Page 191 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
“He’s so fucking arrogant.” I shake my head. “We instantly despised one another. In the end, I kicked him out of my office.”
“Jesus Christ,” Masters mutters. “You don’t do that shit to the future in-laws, Spence.”
“Yeah, well, what am I supposed to do? I’m not putting up with his entitled shit. He doesn’t give a fuck about Charlotte, and unfortunately for him, I do.” I take an angry bite of my breakfast. “You know what pisses me off the most about the cockhead? He flew here yesterday from wherever the fuck he was, and he didn’t even call Charlotte to see how she was doing.” They both frown.
“He doesn’t give a fuck about her feelings or wellbeing. All he cares about is his fucking self.” I chew my food as my anger begins to rise. “I mean, who the hell does he think he is? He doesn’t fucking control her. How dare he even think that he does.” I put my hand up for another drink.
Masters looks down at my two empty scotch glasses. “Are you working today?”
“You’re going to work drunk?” Seb asks carefully.
“Looks like it!”
“What did Charlotte want to bury you for?”
“Oh.” I throw my hands up in disgust. “That’s a whole other story. Sheridan wanted me to have dinner with her to discuss our relationship. I said yes just to get her out of my office because Edward was in the waiting room. Last night, I told Charlotte and she lost her ever loving shit over it. Like, she went full mode crazy bitch on me, saying it’s her or Sheridan from now on.”
They both smile at me.
“Not funny. Then I had to go to Sheridan and tell her that I wasn’t able to see her. That’s when she pulled the whole, if you won’t see me, how are we supposed to work together bullshit? Maybe I need to find another steel company to do business with.”
Their faces drop. “How much is her contract worth to you?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Fucking millions. But I don’t care, she’s not blackmailing me into being with her.”
“God.” Seb sighs.
“Anyway, that’s my week in a nutshell.” I sigh.
“Sounds fucking hectic.” Seb winces.
My eyes widen when I remember that there’s more to the story. “Oh, and some pap took a photo of me and Charlotte together. I’m assuming that will be everywhere soon, too.”
Masters bursts out laughing while Seb shakes his head in disbelief. “I thought that once you got a girlfriend, things might be quieter for you.”
“So did I.” I huff as my next scotch arrives. “So. Did. I.”
Beth smiles at me. “Tell me everything.” The two of us have met for lunch today. She’s been on a work conference for a week, although it feels like she’s been gone a month. I have so much to tell her.
“Oh, Beth, he is…” I shake my head. “Words just don’t do him justice.”
“Here we go. What happened to you playing it cool and not falling for him?”
“I couldn’t help it.”
She sips her drink, unimpressed.
“We had the talk.”
“What talk?” She frowns.
“He wants to be exclusive and—”
“What?” she interrupts me.