Page 172 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
“Goodbye, Spence,” I say.
“Where’s my I love you?” he asks.
Relief hits me. “I love you.” I smile.
He inhales sharply. “And now my day is complete. See you tonight, angel.” He hangs up and I frown. I stare at the phone in my hand for a moment. Why does he notice when I don’t say it to him, but then he never says it back to me?
Well, that’s it, I’m not saying it again until he does. I walk back into the office to find Sarah laughing out loud with a group of girls and I find myself smiling broadly. Who’s slept with who now?
* * *
I’m sitting in the back of the Mercedes wagon that Wyatt is driving. Anthony is sitting in the passenger seat beside him, texting Spencer to let him know we will be arriving in a few minutes. It turns out that Spencer has called them about the details of where they will be staying tonight, too. The two of them have overnight bags with them as well. It seems surreal that he looks after the boys as if they’re his own staff. If I’m being honest, he seems more caring about their welfare than Edward has ever been. I’m usually the only one who worries about them.
“Where is it exactly?” I ask, craning my neck to look up the street.
“Just up here around the corner.”
“Do we have a key?”
“Spencer is meeting us in the foyer. He has to take us up.”
“Okay.” I look out the window at the bustling streets as we drive. It all feels so surreal, that I’m with him and he’s with me when only a month ago I was completely alone and still a virgin. What a difference a month can make. Finally, we get to a tall, swanky looking building.
“This is it,” Anthony says as we pull in.
Wow, this looks nice.
Wyatt parks the car, and Spencer walks out through the large double front doors. His face lights up when he sees me. I have to stop myself from running and throwing myself into his arms.
“Hello, angel.” He smiles.
“Hi,” I beam. I hate that I can’t touch him in public yet.
“Hey, guys,” he says to the boys as he takes my bag from me.
“Hello, Spencer,” they say as they walk behind us.
We walk through a marble reception with a concierge and two doormen, making our way over and into the elevator. The door closes and Spencer immediately takes my hand in his and smiles. His eyes stay fixed on the back of the closed door.
I love that he’s so touchy with me.
The doors open on level two and he strides out with purpose.
“This way.” We walk down a corridor until Spencer stops and opens a door, handing Wyatt the keys. “This is your apartment. It has three bedrooms and everything you should need while you’re here. I sublet it. It’s one of the other resident’s staff members, but they’re out of the country for a few months,” Spencer tells them both.
Wyatt and Anthony walk in and look around.
“It’s nice.” I smile.
The boys smile, seemingly impressed with their new hangout.
“Everything is still the same. Once Charlotte and I are in for the night, you’re off duty but you should continue to be with her when she is out and about please.”
“Of course,” Anthony replies.
“Would you like to come up and go through my apartment?” he asks them.