Page 141 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
He stares at me.
“You haven’t even had a girlfriend before, you big dope.”
A trace of a smile crosses his face.
“When I look at you I see an honourable man with good morals—a man I am proud to be with.”
We stare at each other for a moment before he crushes his arms around me and holds me close. I smile into his neck.
I think I just found Spencer Jones’s baggage.
* * *
Big, warm hands slide around my waist from behind, and the smell of his heavenly soap lingers around me.
“Good morning, Mr Spencer.” I smile as he turns me to him.
He’s wearing a navy suit, his hair messed up to perfection yet again. Wearing his expensive shoes and watch, he looks every bit the multi-millionaire businessman that he is.
One thing I’ve learnt about my man over the last week is that he has two distinct personalities. There’s the carefree, funny Spence I first met who makes me laugh, and then there’s the serious businessman of Spe
ncer Jones. He’s strong, deliberate, and he doesn’t take shit from anybody.
Both men are beautiful, and both men are mine.
He grabs my waist and sits me up onto the counter, spreading my legs around his body. He holds my jaw, angling me the way he wants me, and kisses me deeply as he slides his hands beneath my robe.
“Let’s go away for the weekend.”
“Really?” I smile up at him. “Where to?”
“I don’t know, I’ll surprise you.”
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” I smile playfully.
He pulls my hips forward so I can feel his erection through his trousers. “How about I surprise you here on the kitchen counter with a bit of hard dicking?”
I giggle. “I am completely dicked-out.”
“There’s no such thing.” He bites into my neck. Goose bumps scatter up my arms.
It’s early on Monday morning, and after spending the most wonderful weekend in the history of all weekends, it’s time for us to separate and go back to work.
“I have to go, angel,” he whispers.
I smile and nod as our eyes search each other’s. I feel so close to him, and I know he feels the same. There’s this tenderness between us. I can feel it in his touch. When he thinks I’m asleep, his hands roam over my body in reverence, and he kisses me softly… continually… and he doesn’t even know I’m awake.
He worships me.
He’s so beautiful.
Spencer runs his finger down my face. I feel like I want to blurt it all out and tell him that, yeah, maybe I think I love him.
But I won’t because it’s too soon.
We’ve been together for all of ten days. Maybe I’m misjudging our closeness for love. I don’t even know what the protocol for this is. When is it okay to acknowledge how you feel? When is it okay to say it out loud?
His big blue eyes hold mine. He lingers, waiting, and I have to wonder… does he feel it, too?