Page 115 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)
“She’s different. So, so different from anyone I’ve ever met.”
“Good God.” Seb rolls his eyes. “What next?”
I get a vision of my angel lying next to me in bed this morning.
I think I lay awake and watched her for half the night; she was too perfect to miss a second of.
Her thick, blonde hair splayed across her pillow, her perfect skin with dimples, and the way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. Damn.
I want to turn around and drive back there right now. I turn my attention to my two best friends instead. “What have you two boring fucks been doing all weekend, anyway?”
Seb looks at me dryly. “Fighting with The Wicked Witch of the West.”
“Ugh. I hate that fucking woman.” I tut. Seb’s ex-wife Helena is the most conniving little slut on the planet. She slept with their gardener and is now bleeding the money out of him, day by day. “Masters, you know some criminals. Get her knocked off for us, will you?” I mutter.
Julian shakes his head. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about it.”
We eat in silence for a few moments.
“What were you fighting about?” I eventually ask.
“She wants Bentley.”
I drop my fork and it hits the plate with a clang. “She’s not taking fucking Bentley!” I snap in an outrage. Bentley is the brown Labrador that Masters and I bought Seb for his birthday one year. He’s adored, and he stays with me when Seb is away. I love that dog like he’s my own.
I point my knife at Seb. “If she takes that fucking dog, I’m not even joking, I will have her knocked off, no questions asked. I might even do it myself.”
Masters and Seb laugh.
“And this why we thank God that you don’t have an ex-wife, Spence.” Masters laughs. “You’re a nasty bastard when you’re crossed.”
“You don’t fuck the gardener, take the house, fight for maintenance and spousal support, take the fucking dog, and then live to tell the tale.” My blood boils just thinking about it. “God, I fucking hate her.”
Honestly, the woman infuriates me like nobody else on Earth. Why the hell would anyone ever cheat on Sebastian Garcia? He is the sweetest, loyalist man I have ever met. I didn’t like her before any of this, though. I knew what she was like by the way she used to look at me. She wanted me and if I’d have let her, she would have fucked me in an instant.
She never loved my best friend, not even in the beginning.
Luckily, I do.
Of course, Seb doesn’t know any of this. Masters does. He could pick up who she really was, too. She wasn’t exactly subtle.
It boils my fucking blood. How many men did she fuck behind his back before she got caught? The next woman he falls for better be fucking good or else there will be hell to pay. To be honest, I don’t think any woman will ever be good enough for him. Not in my eyes, anyway. My anger pulses through me as I eat the remainder of my breakfast.
“What’s happening on the agenda today?” Masters asks me.
“I’m finally going to sack my stupid PA. All she ever does is piss about on Facebook and bitch about everyone else. The other girls have had enough of covering her work.”
“Ha!” Seb laughs. “I’ll believe that when I see it. You’ve been sacking her every Monday for two months.”
I exhale heavily. “I know, I hate firing people even if they are assholes.” I sip my coffee. “And she is a queen fucking asshole.”
“Get Sheridan to do it,” Masters suggests. “She lives for firing people.”
A sense of unease fills me.
What am I going to do about that one?