Page 66 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
“You seem surprised that I date.” He raises his eyebrow, and this time I know it’s from curiosity.
“Not surprised.” I wobble my head from side to side. “Okay, maybe a little. I thought you would have a steady girlfriend.”
It’s him that fakes a shiver this time. “I have no desire to have a steady girlfriend.”
“A wife, then?” I laugh.
“Oh, hell, don’t wish that on me.”
We both laugh, and our eyes linger on each other’s faces a little too long.
This is getting a bit weird. I am seriously attracted to him.
“No girlfriend. No wife. What do you have?” I ask.
His dark eyes hold mine. “Friends with benefits.”
My heart begins to thump hard in my chest. “What benefits?” I whisper.
He smiles sexily and sips his drink, giving me his best ‘come fuck me look’. “Sexual satisfaction.”
I swallow the lump in my throat as I imagine him naked.
I really need to have sex. He could say the word milk and I would find it stupid hot.
“I should get back to my book,” I whisper.
He nods and rolls his lips, as if stopping himself from speaking.
“Thanks for the chat, Julian.”
His sexy eyes hold mine. “You’re most welcome, Bree.”
My breath hitches.
There is something about the way he says Bree that is just so… perfect.
“Can I help you with anything before you go?” I ask.
His eyes darken. “Like what?”
“Um.” I get a vision of me on top of him, naked in my bed, and I feel myself get wet instantly.
Okay, get back to your room, you dirty hoe.
“Your itinerary or something,” I splutter, distracted by my wayward thoughts.
He smiles, as if knowing exactly where my thoughts were. “My itinerary is sorted, but thank you anyway.”
I stand and wash my glass up before I turn back to him. “Have a great trip.”
“I will. I’ll call you each day to check on the children.”
Our eyes lock once more, and my stomach dances with excitement that he will be calling me.
Just for the children, stupid, I remind myself.
I smile bashfully, embarrassed that he makes me feel like a giddy young girl.