Page 223 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
She’s everything to me.
I drain my beer and stare at the television screen on the wall above us. Not that I can see it. All I see is Bree’s heartbroken face. All I hear is the disappointment and sadness in her whispered voice. Her words come back to me.
“Alina’s husband is here and I don’t love him. He’s a fucking coward.”
I can’t be here. I put my glass onto the table and stand. “I’ve got to go home.”
“I thought we were going out tonight?” Seb frowns.
“Yeah, I got bigger fucking worries than a night out with you two losers. Catch you later.”
I don’t remember getting home. I don’t remember walking up the front steps or unlocking the door. I stand in the dark foyer and look around the silent house.
Is she here?
She’s left already…
“Bree?” I call. No answer. “Bree?” I walk down to her room and I open the door, peering in. “Bree?”
The boys could have been onto something about that castration. The showers on, and I walk in to find her curled up in a ball crying as the hot water runs over her.
My heart breaks. “Baby,” I whisper.
I take off my clothes and climb in, immediately pulling her onto my lap. “Shh,” I whisper. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I kiss her forehead as I hold her tightly and she cries on my chest. I can’t stand seeing her this hurt. “It’s okay. I won’t get it. I won’t get it, I promise,” I whisper into her hair.
She clings to me and I hold her. I don’t know how to make this better.
I don’t want more children.
I don’t want marriage.
But I love her so much.
This is an impossible situation. One of us has to live a lie for the other to be happy.
We sit in the bottom of the shower for over an hour, I’m on Julian’s lap. He lets me cry as he whispers apologies for hurting me. I don’t know how to deal with this. …only that tonight he is back with me and isn’t blocking me out like he has been for the last week.
“Come on,” he mutters. “Let’s get you out of here, you’re going cold.” He pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. I cling to him. I feel like we’re close to the end of our time together, and I know he does, too.
“Bree,” he whispers.
I keep my head on his chest.
“Look at me, baby.”
I drag my eyes up to his and he takes my face in his hands. “I love you so much. Please know how
much I love you.”
I stare up him, numb.
“I won’t get a vasectomy.” He kisses me softly. “I promise. Okay? I don’t know what I was thinking. I freaked out and…” His voice trails off.
I nod, mollified for the moment.
“Just give me some time.” He kisses me softly. “I just need some more time.”