Page 210 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
Shit, does she have a lock on this door?
She opens it in a rush, and I glance in. Lola is lying on her bed and Willow already looks dishevelled. Jesus, were they making out?
“Can I speak to you for a minute, Will?”
Willow frowns. “Sure.”
I take her down the hall until there’s nowhere else to go. I quickly pull her into Julian’s room. “Take a seat.”
“What’s wrong?” She asks.
I take both her hands in mine as we sit on the bed. “You know I love you, right?” I whisper.
Will frowns.
“I don’t think that it’s appropriate that Lola stays over just yet.”
“Why not?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “Well, you only just met.”
She watches me, and I can tell she’s trying to figure out if I know. “So? We want to get to know each other better.”
My eyes search hers. “Will…” I whisper.
She frowns. “How do you know?”
I smile softly. “I could tell as soon as I saw the way you looked at each other.”
Tears fill her eyes. “Are you going to tell Dad?” she whispers in a panic.
I shake my head. “No, baby. You have to do that when you’re ready.” I brush my hand over her hair. “But you’re only sixteen, I can’t, with a clear conscience, let Lola stay over.”
She drops her head and tears fill her eyes. “Do you hate me now?”
“What? No.” I take her in my arms. “Why would I hate you? There is nothing wrong with this. You are perfect exactly as you are.” I kiss the top of her head.
“Please don’t tell Dad. I’m just trying to figure this out,” she begs.
“I know.” I hug her tight. “And you will, I know you will.”
“I love you, Brell,” she whispers against my shoulder. “You’re the first person who has ever been on my side.”
“I love you too, baby.” I kiss the top of her head and she holds me tight.
“What are you two doing up here blubbering?” Julian asks as he casually walks into his room.
We pull back from each other and wipe our eyes. “We’ve just had a shitty week, haven’t we, pumpkin?” I smile.
“Yes.” Willow stands, still wiping away her tears. “Dad, Lola can’t stay now. She has to work in the morning.”
“Okay.” He shrugs. “Whatever.”
Will walks out and disappears down the hall.
“What was that about?” Julian frowns.
My heart drops. I have to lie to him, even though I know it’s wrong.