Page 16 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
“Van?” Willow frowns. “We’re not going in the van.”
I stare at her for a moment. “Why not?”
“Because it’s embarrassing. Like I want to be seen in that crap car.”
“Oh, please,” I snap. “Stop being such a snob.” Her eyes meet mine, and I internally kick myself. Did I really just say that out loud?
“A snob?” she repeats, as if shocked at my audacity.
“What I meant is, I don’t want to crash your dad’s fancy SUV. So when you are with me, we are taking the van.”
“Well, I won’t be seen dead going anywhere with you.” She sneers. “I’m not into hanging out with dumb bimbos. Just fuck off and go back to the hole you came from.”
I inhale sharply, and we stare at each other—a silent standoff.
Samuel takes my hand, and I can’t help but think it’s a silent apology for his sister’s rudeness. Something snaps inside of me, annoyed that she would put him in a position to hear that and feel so uncomfortable. What a selfish little bitch.
I smile down at him and hand over the keys. "Go out the front, baby, and open the car for me, will you?"
He snatches them and runs out the door.
Willow lifts her chin defiantly.
I raise my eyebrow. “Let us get one thing straight here, dear Willow.” I sneer.
She puts her hand on her hip in disgust.
“I’m here to look after Samuel, and I really don’t care whether you like me or not—”
“I don’t,” she cuts me off.
I smile sarcastically. “Is that what your game is? Be an evil little bitch until the nanny runs away? Do you try and make their life a living hell, Willow?”
She narrows her eyes.
“Does Daddy come to your rescue?” I whisper in a baby voice.
“Fuck you.” She sneers. “Stay out of my fucking way.”
“Oh, I’m in your way, and don’t fucking speak to me like that in front of Samuel again. I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like me, but you will not upset him. Do you hear me?”
Her eyebrows rise in surprise. “He’s a little kid and having an evil sister is not helping him one little bit. I don’t want you to hold your tongue for me, but for God’s sake, hold it for him.”
She glares at me.
“Now, get inside the damn van.” I growl.
She takes off outside in a huff, and I close my eyes as fury pumps through my blood.
Great. This day just keeps getting better and better.
“So, just up here,” Sam directs me as I pull into the circular school drop off bay.
Sam is in the front seat and Willow is in the back. She wouldn’t get in the front with me.
I peer out at the fancy school in front of me. It looks like Hogwarts from Harry Potter or something. “Wow,” I whisper. “This is swish.”
Willow climbs out of the car and slams the door.