Page 117 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
“I can’t, I’m driving, but thanks.”
She pours herself one and calls a waiter to the table. “What would you like, Brell?”
“Just a Diet Coke, please.” I look around at the Italian restaurant we’re in. It’s beautiful, filled with leather chairs and the air of ultimate opulence. “This place is amazing.”
“It is. The food is divine, too,” she says with enthusiasm. “So, tell me… how are you settling in?”
I shrug. “Okay, I guess. I’ll be a lot better when I get to the bottom of Willow’s problems at school.”
My drink arrives. “Thank you.” I smile as I take it from the waiter.
Her face falls. “What’s going on?”
“These stupid little bullies are picking on her.”
“Who are they?”
I roll my eyes. “Pathetic little rich spoilt brats I completely lost my cool with them at the weekend.”
“Why?” She sips her wine, listening intently.
“Because I walked around the corner to find Willow, when I heard one of the bullies suggest that Will’s mother probably killed herself to get away from her.”
Frances’s face drops and her eyes fill with tears.
“I know. Isn’t it the most horrible thing you’ve ever heard?”
She shakes her head, unable to believe it. “What did you do?”
I roll my eyes. “I lost my cool and caused a huge scene. I dared them to come near her again so they can deal with me. I was swearing and completely losing control.”
“And where was this?”
“At her football practice.”
“Where was Julian?”
“He’s useless. Those stupid mothers are all too busy trying to marry him, and he’s so busy fighting them off that he sees none of it. When I approached the mother of the bully… and admittedly...” I hold up my hand to admit my faults. “I was losing my temper and threatening to call the police to have her charged… but Julian defended the bully, not his own daughter, without even knowing what had happened.”
“What?” She narrows her eyes. “Why does he always do this? He makes me so mad.”
I widen my eyes. “I know! Me, too. We had this huge fight, so I took the children to Mc Donald’s, making it quite clear that Julian wasn’t invited” I sip my drink. “But… in his defense, he didn’t hear what they said to Willow, I guess.”
She smiles and rests her elbows on the table. “You’re good for him.”
I fake a laugh. “I’m sure he thinks I’m a giant pain in his ass.”
If only she knew that he really wants into my ass.
“Thank you so much for our dinner last weekend. It was lovely seeing the children so happy.” She takes my hand over the table. “I can’t stop thinking about the change in them since you arrived. Especially Will.”
I grin as I squeeze her hand in mine. “Thank you for coming. They are such beautiful kids. I’m so lucky to be able to get to spend time with them.” I widen my eyes. “Oh, I forgot. Willow has been invited to play golf with her new friend this weekend.”
“Willow’s playing golf now?”
"Yes, I enrolled her in lessons. I thought it could be something that she and her father could do together."
She narrows her eyes. “Are you in a relationship, dear?”