Page 101 of Mr. Masters (Mr. 1)
“What?” I shrug. “We came on this holiday to explore ourselves. I want to explore him.” I sigh. “He’s fucking gorgeous.”
“So what if he’s gorgeous? This is a bad idea. Do not engage in any sexual relations with that man or you are going to end up being Monica Lewinsky.”
I giggle. “Slight exaggeration.”
“Who is Monica Lewinsky?” Hank frowns.
Emerson and I both shake our heads. “Long story.” I sigh.
“If he wasn’t your boss I would say go for it, but he is your boss. If you want to explore this, fine, but find another job first.” I point at her. “That’s a really good idea.”
“I didn’t mean you should leave.” She frowns. “I meant don’t do it.”
I lick my ice cream, annoyed with my friend. Emerson doesn’t need to know all my business anyway.
I’m sick to fucking death of doing what everyone else expects of me.
If I want him, I’ll have him.
“And, of course, there’s now the small matter of his girlfriend.” Emerson sighs. “He’s not even on the market for you to have.”
I roll my eyes, annoyed by her fact-finding. I can't believe he's got a girlfriend.
He's now just another fucking asshole notch to add to my bedpost.
I open the car door for Bernadette and watch as she slides into her seat before I walk around and get in beside her.
Her eyes flicker over to me, and she rubs my thigh. “Let’s go back to my place. The kids are with their father.”
I take her hand in mine to stop it from exploring, and I pull out into the traffic. “I can’t tonight.”
Her face falls. “Why not?”
Here we go. I knew this was coming.
“I’ve got things on tomorrow. I need to get home.” “What’s going on with you? I haven’t seen you for two weeks and now you don’t even want to come back to my place when we finally get to see each other.”
“Nothing is going on with me.”
“Are you seeing someone else?”
I roll my eyes. “If I am, it doesn’t matter because we, Bernadette, are not exclusive. You’ve known that all along.”
She stays silent and I find myself glancing between her and the road. “What?” I ask, cutting through the silence.
“You’ve stopped putting any effort in.” She folds her arms across her chest.
“Because you put enough effort in for the both of us. Don’t start this shit now, I’m not in the fucking mood,” I groan.
“Not in the fucking mood?” she hisses, clearly pissed off. “You know I’m monogamous to you. You know you’re the only man I see. Don’t treat me like a fool.”
I bite my bottom lip, forcing my eyes to stay on the road.
She watches me for a moment. “It’s because of what I said the last time we were together, isn’t it?”
I clench my jaw and remain silent.