Page 41 of Hold On to Me
“Well, watch and find out, pretty girl,” Jace slurred. “You can be next.”
A shot was handed to the blonde, Sarah, she realized. She quickly threw it back then ran her tongue along his hips slowly. Jace moaned as the girl did it and rested his head back.
Alyssa swallowed. Well … that was actually hot.
Jace stood up, stumbling a bit. “Alright, your turn honey,” he said to Sarah. Instead of running lemon and salt on her stomach, Jace did it at the tops of her breasts. Naturally, the guys in the crowd hollered. A glass was handed to Jace. He took the shot, licked the salt up then kissed her lips after. The crowd yelled and Sarah stood.
“You’re turn, brother,” Jace said to John, whose eyebrows rose high.
“Come on, you gotta let Alyssa try it out.”
“I’ll let her try it out on me, anytime,” someone said. Heads turned and landed on Ben, who was smirking. His eyes were locked on Alyssa and John didn’t like it one bit. It was as if he was trying to undress her with his beady eyes. “Hey, Ben,” she said sweetly.
“No need, Ben. She’s got me,” John spoke up.
“And if she doesn’t want him, she’s got me,” Jace joked.
“And me,” Ford chimed in. Where did he come from? It didn’t matter. What mattered was keeping Ben away from his girl.
“Why doesn’t she answer for herself,” Ben pushed.
She smiled sweetly. “I have Johnny, tonight” Alyssa said quickly. “Thanks though, Ben.” There was no reason for her to be rude to him. He was her friend after all.
“Let’s do this,” Jace said, breaking the awkwardness. He rubbed his hands together and said, “Who’s first?”
“I’ll go,” John said.
Reaching behind his neck, John fisted his shirt and pulled it off. It was the ladies turn now to holler for him and she didn’t like it one bit. Alyssa bit her lips. Well, shit. Her eyes locked on his body and her mouth watered as he pulled his shorts low. A trail of peach fuzz led into his pants that she hadn’t noticed before. He climbed up on the tailgate and laid back, his legs hanging on the edge. Sarah came forward to put the lemon and salt on him, but Alyssa stepped in.
“I got this,” she said sharply. Alyssa took the lemon and ran it slowly across his waist, making sure to give him a good coating and then she sprinkled the salt on him. A shot was handed to her and she asked what it was.
“Tequila,” Jace said, as if she should’ve known.
“Oh, shit. It seems like tonight is a first for a lot of things,” she winked. Alyssa raised the glass and took a deep breath before she tipped it back. Holy shit that’s gross! She thought to herself. Bringing the back of her hand to her mouth, she winced from the burning, disgusting taste. John reached for her to lean down and if he hadn’t, she would’ve forgotten to lick him. Slipping her tongue out, she ran it seductively and as slow as she could from one hip to the next feeling every indentation, dipping slightly under the lip of his boxers. She went to stand up, but John pulled her face to his and kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth. She leaned in, completely forgot that people were around and kissed him back with the same intensity. Her heart hammered against her ribs.
“You did that shit on purpose,” John said, breaking the kiss. She grinned, her heavy lidded eyes gleaming at him.
“That’s what you get for working me up as I drove your fruity truck.”
A huge smile broke out on his face and he kissed her one last time before standing up. Her smart mouth and wild personality called out to John big time. He found it incredibly attractive. Fuck friends with benefits, he wanted more.
No, he needed more.
“Alyssa’s turn!” Jace yelled.
“I think I’ll pass.”
“Awe, come on,” Jace begged. “Don’t be a Debbie Downer.”
Alyssa glanced at John, who shrugged. “It’s up to you,” he said.
“Do it!” Ford yelled.
“What the heck? You only live once, right?” she jumped on the tailgate and went to lift her shirt, but John stopped her.
“Nope. Up here,” he tapped her chest and rubbed the lemon on, then the salt. “Ready?” she nodded. John was handed a shot. He threw it back and then trailed his tongue along Alyssa’s chest, making sure to dip between her breasts. When he finished licking all the salt off, he trailed his lips along her jaw to her mouth where he delved in and kissed her deep and slow.
Alyssa grabbed the back of his head and kissed him hard. Their tongues thrashed in and out as if they were making love through a kiss. That body shot worked her up good and she wanted John. Not breaking the kiss, she leaned up and swerved to his front spreading her legs. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and, as if he was reading her mind, he lifted her up and walked away. The group of friends went wild as he carried her off, her feet dangling down his hips.