Page 21 of Hold On to Me
“Johnny …” she whined.
“Alyssa, go,” he demanded, softness covering the edge in his voice. “Let me give you a taste of the south and how we country boys get down. It’ll be fun, trust me. You might even like it.”
“Ugghh fine. I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting—and wear some old clothes.”
John said for her to wear old clothes, but the truth was she didn’t have any. Nothing she had was considered old or ripped or worth getting mud on, in her opinion.
Yanking the dark cherry dresser drawer open, she rifled through her clothes searching for a shirt. Her drawer was turning into a mess, an array of colorful tops swirled around each other as she looked for something old. She slipped the clothes on and looked in the mirror. With her high cheek bones, almond shaped eyes and hair pulled tight, she looked like a porcelain doll. She grabbed a pair of crystal encrusted flip-flops and slipped those on.
John spotted Alyssa coming toward him and all he could see were legs. Her fair skin complemented her vibrant blue eyes, and paired with the black clothes, she looked ethereal. His eyes roamed every inch of her body. She was so beautiful, but when he looked at her feet he flattened his lips trying to stifle his laugh.
“Why are you laughing?”
“You gotta change your shoes.”
“What’s wrong with my shoes?”
“Either put on a pair of old, ratty shoes, or go barefoot. Otherwise you’re gonna have mud between those pretty little stones, and I have a feeling that’s not what you want to happen.”
Barefoot? Was he insane? Right then, John started laughing again.
“I don’t see what’s so funny. You know what,” she turned away and began walking in the opposite direction, “I’m not going.”
“You should see the look on your face right now. Priceless.” Taking a few steps, John caught up to Alyssa. He grabbed her by the elbow, spun her around and pulled her close. Her body was pressed against his, the hair from her ponytail danced across his arm. Looking down into her eyes, John said, “I’m just playing with you. Come on, let’s go. If you want to wear those shoes, fine by me, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Alyssa didn’t respond, she couldn’t. She was too busy getting lost in his eyes to open her mouth and speak. It was hypnotic the way he stared down at her. If it wasn’t his sweet southern drawl, it was his gaze penetrating her deep, pulling her in and rendering her speechless. The warmth of his body on hers, the touch of his hands holding her to him, and her hands spread open on his chest feeling him breathe. In that moment, she wanted to feel the heat of his lips on hers again. It had been too long since she last felt it.
“Johnny,” rolled off her lips.
His thumb traced her jaw. “Yeah?”
“What are you doing?”
John shrugged. “Staring at you.”
“Because you’re beautiful. And because I want to kiss you.”
A playful grin formed on his lips. “Oh?”
Slowly, he slanted his head and leaned down. The scruff from his unshaven cheek rubbed along her skin as he dusted kisses ever so gently along her jaw and down her neck. Alyssa shivered and pressed her fingers into his chest as she tilted her head granting him access.
Bringing his face back to hers, John rubbed her supple mouth with his before he began tugging teasingly. She sighed, parting her lips and slipped his tongue in. He caressed her with a lovers touch, gentle yet demanding. Her small breasts were pressed against his chest and when he swirled his tongue and danced across the roof of her mouth, a little groan escaped the back of her throat. Goddamn, Alyssa got his blood going like no other girl has before. This feeling, this need to take over, to kiss every inch of her body consumed him. If he didn’t slow down, he would have no problem taking her to her room and having his way with her.
Alyssa balanced on her tiptoes and kissed him with a passion and intensity that shocked her. This kiss was different than the last time. This one was heated and powerful. The touch of his hands on her body overwhelmed her logic and she melted into him. The way he gripped her to him, it spoke of wanting more.
And right now, she wanted more.
Leaning into him, she threaded her fingers through his hair, continuing to lap at his mouth. As her hips pressed into John’s, he groaned, and holy hell did it make her wet. The sound was one of the hottest things she’d ever heard. She was on fire, desire speeding through her and engulfing her in a haze of lust. She wanted him badly. His hands skated down her sides, his fingers leaving trails of heat as he cupped her rear and lifted both legs to hook around his waist. She squeezed him with her thighs, moaning as she kissed him harder, bruising her lips from the force of their mouths. Blinding pleasure ran down her spine. Alyssa ached for more, needing to find release. His nimble fingers danced down her smooth thigh to the seam of her shorts, curved her ass and gripped her hard, thrusting his hips into hers. As he sought entrance to her sex with his fingers, her head lulled back and she moaned out loud. She couldn’t help it, his touch was electric.
“I want you,” he panted.
Alyssa squeezed her eyes tight. She needed to feel wanted and John gave her that. “What have you done to me?”