Page 16 of Hold On to Me
Breaking her thoughts, Alyssa’s phone chimed. Her heart fluttered at the name and she slid her finger across the screen swiftly.
Yours Truly: That kiss was a mistake.
Alyssa shook her head, her heart dropping into her stomach. That kiss had been on her mind all afternoon and into the evening. Her lips tingled just thinking about it. She knew she should have told him no earlier.
Before she had a chance to respond, her phone chimed again.
Yours Truly: Because one kiss isn’t enough. I want more.
Her heart melted. She wasn’t expecting that.
Too bad. That’s all you get.
Yours Truly: We’ll see about that.
Alyssa reread her reply. Even in text form she knew it was a lie. If he wanted to kiss her again, she would probably allow it.
Actually, there was no probably—she would without hesitation.
Yours Truly: Do you have plans this weekend?
Yes, I’m looking for a job.
Yours Truly: With Ben? You know how I feel about him.
I know, but he’s been nothing but nice to me.
Yours Truly: Text me after your job hunt. Maybe we can go to the movies or grab some pizza.
Was he asking her out on a date? Her fingers trembled thinking of a response.
Sounds good to me.
Yours Truly: Good luck.
She smiled to herself.
Thanks :)
Looking over at Ben, he was the typical bad boy all the girls wanted. His black sideways hat was propped on his head, one arm slung over the steering wheel and a cigarette dangling from his pierced lip. He slept around, skipped class, and partied hard, so she heard. He wasn’t the committed relationship type and she liked that the most seeing as she wasn’t that type herself. He made his own rules and lived by them. Alyssa had to admit, Ben was hot as hell. There was a certain sex appeal surrounding him, an air of darkness that lured her in, and when his eyes scanned her body, she felt every inch of his heated gaze on her skin.
Ben took a puff of his cigarette and asked, “Have an idea for a job yet? What you want to do?”
Alyssa shrugged. She’d sent Ben a text earlier asking if he would take her around to apply for jobs and he’d picked her up shortly after that. “Whatever I can get, I’ll take.”
“So, you and John …”
“Are just friends.”
“I bet if he knew you were hanging out with me he wouldn’t like it.
Biting her lips, Alyssa took a chance. “Why is there tension between you two?”
He looked over at her. “He didn’t tell you?”
Well, he did, but she wanted to hear it from Ben’s mouth.
“He claims I stole his girlfriend back in high school.” A sardonic laugh escaped his lips. Ben took one last drag and flicked the cigarette out of the window. “She was willing and able. I didn’t have to do anything but wave two fingers at her and she came running.”