Page 146 of Hold On to Me
“But Luke,” Olivia whined. “How cute is she? Look at her chunky thighs. The little rolls,” Olivia picked up her foot and showed Luke, who smiled.
“I’m sure Alyssa wouldn’t mind letting you babysit when you’re suddenly having baby fever. Until then, you’re all mine.” Luke threw an arm around Olivia’s shoulders and carefully pulled her to him and kissed her cheek. The love between Olivia and Luke was felt all around the room. True love like that happened once in a while.
“So are you two finally tying the knot then?” John asked. When Olivia looked up, she didn’t answer, only pursed her lips together.
Diane walked into the room. “What’s going on?”
Olivia elbowed Luke playfully. “Nothing is going on here. Luke knows I would be his wife in a heartbeat, he just won’t ask me!”
Luke barked out a laugh. “How can I ask you when you remind me all the time? It has to be a surprise, baby.”
“Aw, come on Luke. Put a ring on it.” John wiggled his eyebrows.
“She reminds you?” Clark asked.
“No I don’t!”
No one was listening to Olivia. It was quite comical at this point.
“She leaves magazines flipped open to pictures of rings that she likes. As if I don’t know what she’s doing.”
Clark tried to keep a straight face. “She does?”
“And flowers that she likes …” Luke was grinning like a fool. “She has it all planned out. All she’s missing is the groom.”
With an exaggerated sigh, Olivia said, “I take back everything nice I have ever said about you. I don’t want to marry you now.”
“Well, that’s good because I never asked.”
“Luke Jackson!” his mother yelled.
“I’m just playin’, Ma. Calm down.” Looking at his father, Luke asked, “Dad, tell her to relax, will ya?”
“Relax, sugar.”
Olivia pinched Luke’s arm and glared at him. “You take that back, Luke.”
“Nope.” She pinched him harder and Luke winced with a grin.
“Well, as much as I’d love to watch you two love birds, we need to hit the road. We have a few hours of driving ahead of us.” John looked at Alyssa. “Can I talk to you before we leave?”
She nodded. “Can I leave Brooke with you for a few more minutes?” she asked Olivia.
“I suggest you doing so, Alyssa,” Luke cut in. “Olivia won’t be holding a baby for a long time after today,” he teased.
“I swear on all that is Holy …”
John laughed then laced his fingers through Alyssa’s and walked her out to his truck. He dropped the tailgate, jumped to sit, and patted the seat next to him. She lifted herself up then looked at him expectantly.
“What’s up?”
“So are you okay with my mom watching Brooke? She only wants to help.”
Alyssa answered honestly. “At first I was caught off guard. I wasn’t sure what to think about it. I thought it would be too much for her so when she suggested once a month, I agreed. Then I brought up paying her and she had a fit.”
John knew his mother would never accept money for offering to help.
“What did she say?”