Page 142 of Hold On to Me
Walking into the kitchen, Diane was giving Brooke a small piece of mashed banana. “She was cryin’ for it,” Diane explained, shrugging her shoulders. “I told her she needed to wait until dinner, but she wasn’t having it.”
“It’s okay. I think she’s getting ready to move up to the next stage of baby food actually.”
Olivia handed Alyssa a glass and took a sip. “Olivia likes her tea extra sweet,” Diane said with a smile.
“I can tell,” she giggled after taking a sip.
“So, do you like South Carolina?” Diane asked.
Alyssa shrugged. “It’s nice, I guess. I didn’t realize how tired I’d be with staying busy with Brooke and work so I haven’t had a chance to explore much. It was an adjustment that’s for sure.”
“Once you get a bit more situated with your schedule you’ll be able to get out more.”
“What do you do?” Olivia asked. “How long have you been working?”
“I’m a waitress at a local diner. I’ve been there for just a month now and work about thirty hours a week.”
Olivia nodded in approval. “Who watches Brooke?”
“I have a sitter that was recommended by the owner of the diner. She’s been a real blessing.”
“Does John come over often to help, too?” Diane asked, one brow lifted.
Alyssa swallowed. “He does … he comes over as much as he can even though I told him he doesn’t have to.” She stared at the condensation on her glass. “He’s done so much for me, more than he should have. I don’t want him to feel like he’s obligated or anything, you know?”
“Oh, honey, he doesn’t feel like that one bit. Trust me. All he talks about is you and wanting to see you every chance he gets.”
“He does?”
Diane nodded. “All the time.”
“Things happen for a reason, so don’t question it.” Olivia chimed in. “The Jackson brothers have big hearts. Once they find something or someone they love, there’s no stopping them. They’re in it for the long haul. So what he’s doing just comes natural to him.”
“Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Diane said. “Though, I could smack Luke upside the head for taking so long and finally going after you.”
Olivia laughed. “I have that feeling all the time, but about so many other things.”
“I’m sure,” Diane drawled.
“What did Luke take so long with?” Alyssa asked confusingly.
“Luke and Olivia grew up together. By high school, they were dating which continued into college. After college he just let her walk away!” Diane exclaimed, her hand flying in the air.
Alyssa’s brows lifted. “He did?”
“Kind of … not really. I hurt Luke by not telling him about my plans. I just kept it a secret until it was all finalized, which was so stupid thinking back on it now. I should have told him, I should’ve included him, but I didn’t and it only backfired. Once he found out, he refused to make a compromise, so I left.” Olivia shook her head, the smile fading from her eyes. “I don’t blame him for not coming after me … I would’ve been hurt too and probably done the same.” She shrugged. “It’s all over now and we’re together like we should’ve been from the beginning and that’s what counts. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad and deal with it as best you can. The distance was difficult, and there were some tough times for both of us. We both were forced to climb mountains without each other’s support, but the way I see it, it was meant to happen.”
“You really think that it was meant to happen?”
“I do. What’s meant to happen will find its way, Alyssa. It always does.”
Alyssa thought about what Olivia said for a moment and then
of John. “I guess you’re right.”
“I am right,” she said, smiling and then took a sip of her overly sweet tea. The sound of sliding doors broke the conversation and Alyssa looked over her shoulder to see John walking toward her with an empty water bottle in his hand. His face lit up, dimples and all showing. John made her heart beat fast every time she looked at him. He walked right up to her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple, tugging her to him. He went to hold her from behind and Brooke began fussing.
Picking his head up, he smiled at Brooke. “Awe, is my little cupcake jealous I have her mommy?” he asked, walking over to her. Brooke reached for John, nearly jumping out of Diane’s arms. He put down his water and grabbed her. She leaned in for a Brooke kind of kiss then rested her head on the curve of his neck. Her tiny hand ran along John’s neck searching for his tags. He pulled them out of his shirt and handed them to Brooke, who began rubbing them between her fingers as if they soothed her. John rubbed her back gently and went back to Alyssa. Olivia and Diane stood silently watching, their heads both tilted to the side.