Page 132 of Hold On to Me
He could never be mad at her. Not now. Not even when he found out the paternity results. Sadness suffocated him then, not hatred. He never wanted go to sleep fighting with her either. Life was too short and he couldn’t predict the future because there was a chance one of them wouldn’t wake up the next day.
His best friend’s death forever changed him. At only twenty-one, John saw life with a different set of eyes now. He would always mourn the loss of his friend, but he had to keep trekking ahead. He couldn’t let the sorrow suck him under even though some days he wanted to. He had a reason to live, to fight.
/> Silence filled the room as they sat there staring deep in each other’s eyes. Everything about Alyssa moved John, especially the way she cared for Brooke. It made him want her even more than before. His eyes skimmed past her perfectly straight nose to her supple lips. Shit. She parted her lips and her pale pink mouth beckoned him. He told her earlier this morning that the kiss they shared was their last one. Now he wished he never said that because the way she was looking at his mouth made him want to kiss her forever.
A quick peek down at Brooke, and she was sound asleep, her mouth slowly falling open. Alyssa noticed his glance and looked down at Brooke, too, and then back up. She didn’t move, John could tell she was trying not to.
Slowly, John tilted his head to the side. It was like he was compelled by her. His heart pounded against his ribs as his lips grazed hers. He needed to feel her.
“Alyssa,” he breathed back and forth over her lips as she sat still. “That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.”
“Thank you,” she whispered. She never broke his gaze.
“I know I said earlier that was your last kiss, but I lied. I want to kiss you, so I’m going to.”
Before she could blink or change her mind, John cupped the side of her face and pulled her to him. Love. He felt nothing but love for her.
“That was your last one,” she said.
“If that’s what you say.”
Truth was, every time Alyssa said she didn’t need anything more from John other than friendship, it was a lie. Each time he gave in, she was secretly happy about it. One kiss was all it took for them to succumb to their desires.
The lunch rush had finally subsided. Alyssa yawned and pulled out her phone. She was exhausted after not sleeping much last night. Before she checked her messages, Alyssa grabbed a quick sandwich and a drink from the kitchen and sat in an empty booth.
She took a bite and scanned her text messages … and nearly choked on her lunch.
Yours Truly: I’m freaking out here.
Yours Truly: Babe, where are you?
Yours Truly: What do I do?? I need some help!
Alyssa’s heart dropped into her stomach. She was instantly nauseous. Dear God. She should have never left him with Brooke. From now on she would keep her phone in her pocket in case of an emergency.
Yours Truly: Yeah. Why? She’s fine.
Then why are you freaking out?
Yours Truly: My mother won’t leave!
That’s why he was freaking out? She could kill him!
Are you serious right now? I thought something happened to her. You’re a jerk!
Yours Truly: LOL If something happened to her, I would have called your work.
For future reference, never text a mother the way you did. I automatically thought something happened to her! :/ I feel sick now.
John didn’t text back, instead, he called her. He wanted to put her worries at bay.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking when I sent you those texts. My mother wouldn’t leave. She keeps calling herself grandma …” John shook his head.