Page 13 of Hold On to Me
“I’m serious, Alyssa. I’ve heard things.”
“He didn’t seem so bad to me.”
“That’s because you don’t know any better yet.”
She ignored his last comment. “What are you doing here anyway?” she asked incredulously.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I just figured you would be with your friends.”
“You are my friend.” He stated plainly. “Why aren’t you trying to make friends?”
“I just tried to make a new friend, but you told me to stay away from him.” Alyssa shrugged. “Besides, what’s the point? Every time I make friends and get comfortable I have to up and move.”
“Why do you guys move around so much anyways?”
“My mom can’t stay in one spot too long or else she gets antsy. It doesn’t help that she’s a serial dater either. All her relationships seem to end on a bad note and she feels the need to move when that happens.”
John laughed. “What relationships end on a good note, though?”
“Well, some people have amicable splits, but that’s not the point. The point is, she moves with each break up. It’s ridiculous. Who does that? She swears this is it though, that we’re not moving this time.”
“If you had the chance would you move back to California?”
Alyssa pursed her lips together and thought about John’s question. “I’m not sure … probably not. I guess I could live on my own if she wants to move again, but it’s always just been me and her, you know? I kind of want to stay in one spot and just live each day without worry.”
He nodded. “That’s kind of how the people are down here. Laid back and easy going.”
She smiled. “So I’ve noticed.”
John laughed. “How do you like this campus so far? It’s small in comparison to other community colleges, but that’s what I like about it.”
Alyssa shrugged, enjoying the natural flow of conversation. “It’s alright I guess. It gives me some sort of constancy, so I’m happy about that …” she trailed off. “What’s your major? Or have you changed it already?”
John offered her some French fries. She took a few. “I’ve been thinking about enlisting in the Marines. My dad served. I actually just took my ASVAB test, and I’m waiting to hear back on that. So rather than enroll in a big college and spend all that money, go in to debt, I picked a small CC. And my mom is sick, so I’d like to stay close to home just in case. But then if I join the Marines, I wouldn’t be home much, would I?” John wasn’t sure why he was opening up to Alyssa the way he was, and it caught him by surprise.
Alyssa’s brows pinched together. “Your mom is sick?”
John grew quiet and looked Alyssa directly in the eyes. “She has Multiple Sclerosis.”
Alyssa slowly swallowed the last of her fries. Despite his teasing nature, John seemed like he had a good heart with his family being important to him.
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll be shipped off to war? The Middle East isn’t looking too good right now.”
“When are they ever?” he quirked. “And to answer your question, no, I’m not really scared … I mean, I am, but I think anyone who serves secretly fears war in some way. They just never admit it. How could you not fear? You’re literally risking your entire life once you step off that plane.” He paused. “Actually, I take that back. It’s once you join, from the beginning is when you’re risking your life. It’s a hard pill to swallow.”
“That’s very admirable of you.” She smiled softly, and stole a couple more fries. “Do you know what you want to do if you enlist?” Alyssa couldn’t believe she was having a conversation with John the way she was. It was completely unlike her to delve deep into someone’s life, especially someone she met recently.
“Well, my family was in aviation, so I was thinking of going down that path if I can, but it just depends on my scores and where I place.”
Tilting her head to the side, Alyssa took in John’s features. He had the most incredible eyes she’d ever seen. Ivy green with hints of golden yellow. They were honest and straightforward. She didn’t want to stare, but it was difficult to tear her gaze away. They were beautiful. Complemented with his
olive skin and narrow nose and square jaw line, John was incredibly attractive.
And that stupid dimple under his mouth really got to her. His lips looked soft and plump, and she found herself wondering what they would feel like against hers. A smile crept slowly across his face, and Alyssa realized she had been caught.
“Oh my God,” she said, heat rushing to her cheeks. “You caught me staring at you. How embarrassing.”