Page 118 of Hold On to Me
t, swerving and flying like a bat out of hell. He had to make sure she was okay. She didn’t show for work, and she wasn’t answering her phone. The first thing that came to mind was that her douche bag ex was somehow out of jail and he came for her regardless of their agreement.
John’s gut tightened. He was sick just thinking about that asshole and what he was capable of. The images running through his head … he was thinking the worst possible scenario. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop it. He steadied his breath, counting to twenty before he drove up to her apartment complex. It was the longest ten minutes of his life.
Throwing his truck into park, John jumped out and slammed his truck door shut. It was pitch black outside, the twigs crunching underneath his boots as he crossed the grass. John raised a fist and pounded on the door.
“Alyssa! Are you there? Answer the door!”
John peaked through the window, but he couldn’t see anything other than dark shadows crossing the floor in every direction. Everything looked intact. John pounded again, ready to break the door. Why hadn’t he thought to ask for a key? His pulse was racing, his thoughts running wild at the silence that swathed him.
Where the hell were Alyssa, and Brooke?
Alyssa sighed. She was so tired and exhausted, let down once again.
Shaking her head, she rubbed Brooke’s back once more before pulling the blanket over her. She tucked her in and then blew her a kiss. Walking over to the dresser, she set the timer on the music player and made sure the monitor was plugged in and working.
Alyssa didn’t drink much, but she could sure use a beer right about now. Drinking lowered her guard, and it was something she couldn’t chance. She needed to be alert every waking minute of the day, because if something happened to Brooke, it was on her. So what did she indulge in? Baths. Baths were what good whiskey was to white collared men—divine.
Her muscles were tense and tight, bunched from stress. How did single mothers do it and make a living at the same time? If there was a God, then he would hear her prayers and make sure her job was still there in the morning.
Alyssa turned the knob and water streamed from the faucet. It splashed around, hitting both sides of the bathtub, her emotions pouring out at the same time. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and dropped into the tub. What was she going to do? She was already living nearly rent free, thanks to Johnny, but she had to pay for a sitter, food, utilities, not to mention diapers and wipes. She refused to be another teen statistic and mooch off the government. She would find a way to make it work for them come hell or high water. Life was hard. Every minute was a challenge for her. It was as if she was being tested. But for what? And why?
Shaking her head, she stripped out of her clothes and tied her hair up into a messy bun. She plugged in the monitor and turned it up making sure she could hear the nursery music before climbing in.
Testing the water with her fingers, she ran her fingertips back and forth. Alyssa lowered her foot into the bathtub but quickly pulled away. She tried again and eased her way in, her skin tightening as she lowered herself into the steaming water. As much as she loved how hot the water was, she almost hated it. Her body yelled out, her skin screaming in rebellion. But she had to. She had no choice, because the hot water made everything fade away. It made her forget her past, her present, and her future. Her mind was blank for a short time and it was something she needed when she was on overload. Alyssa let it all go as she soaked.
She rested her head on the lip of the tub, cushioned against a small towel that was rolled up.
“Ahhh …” she sighed. It was hot, but damn, it felt good. Heaven on earth.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she heard a banging.
“What the …?” she mumbled under her breath.
Grabbing the robe off the back of the door, she covered herself and tied a knot around her waist. Her wet feet padded across the cold tiles, leaving track marks behind. She opened the door looking into the dark alley of her driveway but saw nothing. As she was closing the door, it flung open, slamming into the wall leaving a hole.
Alyssa jumped back, her feet slipping and her hand grabbing her chest as her heart pounded. She hit the floor and cowered back.
John loomed over her, his presence scaring her. His green eyes were dark with intent. He had his fist raised, and she flinched automatically from it. She knew she needed to be stronger, but he scared her. It had become natural for her to flinch at the sight of a raised fist.
“Alyssa” he said, staring at her balled up body. He shut the door. “Alyssa,” he repeated. Crouching down, he helped her up.
As she picked her head up, she looked into his vibrant green eyes. Fear raced through her blood. She was shivering, her heart pounding. She should have looked through the peep hole. What had she been thinking?
Clutching the robe to her chest, she stammered, “John?”
“Alyssa. Why didn’t you answer your cell? Why didn’t you go to work? What’s going on? Where’s Brooke? I was worried about you!”
John threw a million questions at her all at once. Swallowing hard, she said, “Please keep your voice down. I just placed Brooke in her crib.”
“Is she okay?”
She cocked her head to the side, confused. “Of course she is. Why wouldn’t she be?”
“I don’t know … What happened tonight?”
Alyssa sighed heavily. “Lock the door and follow me. I don’t want to wake Brooke.”
John locked both the top and bottom lock then followed Alyssa to her room. The lights were off in the house, all the blinds closed tight.