Page 5 of Say Yes (Hush, Hush 2)
"Yes?" His body relaxes a little, and I clamp my teeth onto my bottom lip.
"I'd like to stay in Brooklyn Heights, or in one of the surrounding neighborhoods… like Williamsburg, or even Park Slope, and in one of their brownstones. I never thought I'd live in Brooklyn, but now I can't imagine not living there. It's our home, where my heart is, where we have so many incredible moments together. I don't want to leave them behind."
p; James scoots up to a sitting position and takes me with him. He wraps a strong arm around my lower back and tugs me up until I'm straddling his hips and our bodies are flush together. My nipples graze over the soft dusting of hair on his chest. A purr escapes me and I drape my arms over his shoulders and look him in the eyes.
"A compromise I can work with," he says, a hint of a smile pulls at his lips. "I assumed you'd want an actual house one day like most women, the whole white picket fence and all of that."
I grin and brush a hand down his beard. "I think we both know by now I'm not like most women."
He chuckles and the sound causes my belly to flutter. "Thank fuck for that. I love you the way you are, sweetheart, and I wouldn't change a fucking thing."
I'm really fortunate to have a man who accepts all my flaws and sins… and not give a damn about all the men I fucked when I was an escort. I don't hate that part of my life because it brought James to me, but sometimes I have regrets because of the things I did for money.
"Then it's settled."
"I just want you to be happy," he says, and it makes me mushy for him. He's such a romantic at heart.
"Well…" I begin with puckered lips and flirtatious eyes. "There is one thing I need that would make me really happy."
"Anything," he says against my lips.
My heart is beating so fast for this man that I seal my lips to his in a bruising kiss and he takes it. He's my every heartbeat, my every breath. God, I love him so much. I draw in a quick breath through my nose as I tighten my arm around his neck while my free hand holds his jaw. My large breasts are pressed to his chest. Our tongues tangle around each other’s as the desire we feel envelopes us as one.
"Make love to me," I whisper.
"I already told you, sweetheart. I've been making love to you the whole time."
James reserves his charming side for when he's in a loveable mood like this, but I know deep down he's serious about what he said.
His palm connects with my thigh and I feel a little zing zap through me. "Lift up." I rise to my knees and James grips his cock in his hand, angling it at my entrance. He peers up at me with a burn in his eyes that says he's at my mercy.
"Now take all of me," he says, and I do, sinking down on him in one good, long stroke. My head rolls back and I exhale a pleasure-filled sigh. Sometimes we forgo foreplay because I like the feel of him stretching me. It's an automatic given that he likes it just as much.
One would think with a boyfriend James's age that sex would slow down or it would be hard for him to get it up, but it's the complete opposite. Sometimes it's me who can't keep up with him. He has so much testosterone flowing through his veins that our lovemaking grows more manic each and every time. There’s an abundance of passion flowing from his touch to the way he kisses me with hunger. I'm addicted to him and can't get my fill.
"Stay down," he demands with his hands on my hips.
My inner thighs are quivering as I try to loosen up to accommodate his width. Sometimes he slides in and bangs me, other times it's a little tight at first. I wonder if I'll ever be able to fit him without pain.
"Then kiss me and make me forget how your cock is stretching my pussy out and tearing me from hole to hole. You're going to give me a gaping vag one day."
He grins and I try to fight mine. "Such a filthy fucking mouth."
"You love it."
"Fuckin' right I do," he says, then kisses me. After a few strokes of his skillful tongue, I'm slow riding him.
James is still in control with his arm around my hips, allowing me to only rise halfway up his erection. I love it and hate it because all I want to do is fuck him wild but he's setting a pace that will drive me into a frenzy for him. It’s sublime torture on my clit and I cry out. He's hitting it but he's not. Teasing me until my heart is racing a mile a minute and pleasure begins to set in at the tips of my toes. My nails score his skin and he purposely starts fucking me from the bottom, thrusting deep inside my pussy. James groans, and I feel the vibration from his chest against mine.
"It doesn't get better than this," I say.
He chuckles, his warm breath tickling my neck. "You say that every time."
"And every time it gets better. You're like fine wine, James. You get better with age."
"I prefer cognac," he says, and I laugh. "One day," James says, his breath hitching, "I'm going to make you my wife, Aubrey. I hope you're ready, sweetheart, because I'm not taking no for an answer."