Page 47 of Say Yes (Hush, Hush 2)
"Oh, and you've been to New York?"
"Many times, actually."
"For what?"
"Natalie, did you know anything about this man before you got into bed with him?" James asks.
She ignores James and continues with Luca. They talk like they've been married f
or twenty years, and honestly, I'm loving every second of it.
"You told me you're one hundred percent Italian."
He sits up a little taller and his eyes lower. "I am."
"That's not possible, unless you're keeping it in the family."
A boisterous laugh expels from James. "Don't torture the man, Natalie."
"Poor lemon guy doesn't know what he got himself into," I add as James stands up and gestures that he’s going to use the restroom. I nod and watch my fiancé walk away, taking in the powerful muscles in his shoulders that paint a path to a sexy pair of dimples right above his butt.
"Oh, I know exactly what I got myself into," Luca says, and I turn back as he tilts his head and looks at the screen with a proud smirk on his face. "I've gotten myself into her a lot already."
I gasp and Natalie looks at Luca like she's actually bashful for the first time in her life. He drags an arm around her waist and pulls her to him. A sweet smile curls her lips. She doesn't even fight him, and she's rarely the type to ever blush from a man, and she totally did with Luca. I feel a little spark in my chest for them.
Natalie’s got her hands full with this one. I hope she goes on another date with him.
"Shut the fuck up, Luca," she says, but is completely playful, and he sees that.
"That mouth." He shakes his head. "My mother does not like women who curse."
"Since I don’t plan to marry you, I don't really give a shit."
"We're getting married," Luca states. I'm pretty sure they're in their own world right now.
Red heat flames Natalie’s cheeks and I'm dying over this for more than one reason. I bet she was sure as shit he'd never be so forward.
"The fuck we are. I just met you ten minutes ago."
"And nine minutes ago is when I realized you are to be my wife."
Natalie turns to look at me with a straight face. "I'm gonna stick an ice pick in his fucking eye."
I'm trying to hold back my laughter, but it's impossible. Seeing Natalie clearly smitten over this guy is what makes this moment so memorable. A loud giggle erupts from me when I think about what she’d said over the phone in the early evening. She had told me she thought it was dangerous to drink with him. Now I see why.
"Make sure to fuck James every day when he wakes up. Happy wife, happy life," Natalie says with a cheesy grin.
"I will be sure to remember that too," Luca chimes in, extremely proud. It's hard for me not to get a rise out of these two. "Why do you call your father by his name?"
Natalie grinds her teeth together and exhales through her nose. That look makes me think back to when I used to nanny the little twin monsters and they'd ask for water for the hundredth time after they were tucked in for the night, then twenty minutes later they peed the bed.
Without looking, she spreads her fingers and palms his face, then shoves him down to the bed while holding the phone. He goes down in one swift motion. Natalie is entirely too happy with herself, until Luca snakes a surprise arm around her and tugs her down too. She goes down and the phone flops to the bed. All I see are white sheets now. Natalie giggles like she's being tickled as Luca says, "Say goodnight, Natalia."
"Goodnight, Dad and bestie!"
I can hear the smile in her voice and it warms my heart. "That's stepmama to you." She giggles again, and I hang up and place the phone on the floor.
"Goodnight," James says as he steps out of the bathroom. "Should I be worried?" he asks and returns to his spot next to me.