Page 35 of Say Yes (Hush, Hush 2)
"Too late for that, sweetheart."
"I love the way your mind works."
Grabbing my jaw, James growls then plunges his tongue into my mouth for a quick kiss. "It's going to be so good, sweetheart."
"The best twelve minutes of my life."
"You look beautiful," James whispers. "I know I never got to meet your grandmother, but I'd bet my life's work she's looking down on you and smiling, proud of you the way I am and what you have become."
We're sitting in a room with a few hundred people illuminated by chic chandeliers that shimmer like diamonds under water. His words were low and only meant for me to hear. Swallowing thickly, I turn to look at him, a tint of blush colors my cheeks. He's holding my hand as the names of the four honorees are being called, including mine. I still can’t believe I’m among the women being honored tonight when there are others just as worthy, maybe even more than me. My thumb strokes over the top of his hand as I gaze into his eyes. I love this man so much. I just hope he knows that.
"Thank you for being here with me." My words are soft and intimate.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
A demure smile curves the corners of my lips. James truly means that and it moves me to pieces. I feel myself getting more attached to him, falling deeper in love with him, if that's even possible, and I'm okay with that. I just hope he is too.
"Aubrey Abrams…"
"Get going, sweetheart." James smiles at me.
I glance at the stage and my eyes widen when I realize the honorees are already up there.
In a quick succession, James cups the side of my neck and presses his kiss to mine. My eyes automatically roll close at the touch of his lips between mine. His thumb is gently resting on the front of my throat then sweeps over to the side and strokes down. I lean in just as he breaks the kiss and mumbles against my lips. "They're waiting on you. Get your ass up there."
I nod quickly and blink a few times to gather my bearings. Standing up, I exhale a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and smooth down the front of my gown. I smile at James one last time before I make my way toward the front of the room then up the few steps to the stage.
A shiny trophy-like award is handed to me. It's black and in the shape of a tall rectangle. Though I'm filled with disbelief, I smile at it. It's heavier than I anticipated, and the corners could scratch glass, they're so fine. I glance at the gold-plated tag and read the inscription as the applause dies down.
The award’
s committee had informed us we would be going in alphabetical order to give our acceptance speeches. Lucky me, I get to go first. Licking my lips, I take a deep breath before stepping over to the podium. I gaze into the crowd of designer suits and custom dresses and allow the reality of the moment to sink in.
My full heart is content. All the people in this room are on similar wavelengths as I am. We're all just trying to make a difference in the world.
"As most of you may know, my grandmother raised me after I lost both my parents. Giving back is something she instilled in me at a very young age. She was my best friend, my mom, my dad, my sister…" Tears fill my eyes. Nearly five years later, and I still get choked up thinking about Grammy not being here anymore. I miss her every day. "We may not have been able to afford heat every winter, but that never stopped her from offering a helping hand. She always said it could be worse and I needed to count my blessings.
"As I grew up, I wanted to be just like her. I still do. She taught me to follow that driving need in my heart, to go after what makes me happy, and that's what I've been doing ever since. My need to help others has never wavered. When she died, I lost a life, but in opening Sanctuary, and now Retreat, I’ve gained so many more. I think she would've been proud of the shelters she helped me build even after she left."
The last thing I want is to be that person who talks too much and has to be ushered off the stage, but I have a few more things I must say.
I look at James and meet his steel blue eyes. I grip the award a little tighter in my hand as I speak.
"My grammy isn't the only one who's influenced me. There's a man here with me today who means the world to me. He's my best friend, my confidant, and without his support and encouragement, I would've crumbled so many times trying to build Sanctuary and Retreat the way I had envisioned them. He's my biggest cheerleader and extremely patient with me." The crowd chuckles lightly. "You know how us women have our moments," I add to lighten the mood. "I'm a better person because of him, because he's inspired me to grow into the person I am today and the reason I'm able to give back even more.
"He gave me a wish, and now my wish is to inspire at least one person who walks through my doors the way he has me. I want someone's life to have meaning the way he gave meaning to mine. He not only helps to continue my grammy’s wish with me, but he also wants to be there knee-deep in the planning. I will forever be indebted to him for that. Rome wasn't built in a day, but when you have the right people on your side, it feels like it can be."
Taking a deep breath, I prepare to end my speech. There's a bubbling need inside of me to be on James's arms after looking into his eyes while speaking to a sea of people about him. I want to claim him in front of everyone and show the world he's mine.
"James Riviera, my—" I pause for a split second with my heart in my throat. The word husband wants to slip off my tongue like it's the most natural thing in the world. Like I'm supposed to say it. I'm itching to and that shocks me.
"James, baby, you are my world and the love of my life. Thank you for wanting to create a future of moments for people you've never met. You didn't have to, but you wanted to, and that means more to me than you could ever know. This award is just as much yours as it is mine. Thank you."
I gather my dress with one hand and rejoin the other women as the next honoree gives her speech. I purposely didn't have a drink beforehand, even though my nerves were shot.
After the last woman addresses the crowd, I make my way back to the table where James is waiting for me. The applause fades away as harp music fills the room.