Page 63 of Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush 1)
After our spa treatment, we do a little shopping for a couple of hours then decide to stop for lunch.
"So I went out with Daniel last night."
Natalie's eyes widen around her vegan sandwich, sprouts hanging over the bread.
"You went out with coffee guy after your job? No way."
I laugh, nodding. "I did. My client literally just wanted to fuck while he got high, so he was in and out and I was done pretty quickly."
"Nice," she says. "Quick and easy money. Do you think you'll see Daniel again?"
I shrug one shoulder, dipping a fry into ketchup. I wouldn't say my night with Daniel was earth-shattering, but it was fun and I could see myself hanging out with him again.
"I guess if he calls I wouldn’t say no. He's so relaxed and nice, and he's adorable. I think I might've been a little too outspoken for him, but he went with it. He's a doctor."
"Like every other person in this city. If you're not a doctor, you're a lawyer or stock trader."
I agree. "It's true. Or they're models and singers."
She laughs. "Was it strange seeing him after a job?"
"Not really. Is that weird? I thought I would be bothered, but it didn't bother me at all. What does that say about me?"
I fill her on the rest of the details from my date and how I lied about my profession.
Natalie takes a sip of her ice water. "What if it gets serious, though? Like what if you guys get intimate? How are you going to tell him you sleep with men for money?"
I stare at her and wonder the same thing.
The truth is, I don't know. I don't know how any man would ever be okay with something like that. Just thinking about it makes my chest hurt a little and I wonder if I'm ruining myself for anything serious in the long run.
A relationship is built on trust and acceptance, not lies and deceit.
I'm such a fucking hypocrite.
"Unless it gets serious, I don't think I'm going to tell any guy. How can I? Would you be okay if your man was selling his body?"
"You know it's not the same. Men don't get heat for things the same way women do. It's okay for them but not us."
I sigh, instantly annoyed. "I know. "
"Would I be okay with it, though?" Natalie says, musing over my question. "I guess I’d be okay with it as long as he isn't having sex for free, because then that's totally cheating."
"Do you ever get the same client twice?" I ask, curious, wondering if James will ever see me again.
"Oh yeah, when a guy likes you, he'll request you. I have repeats all the time."
I pause for a moment, panicking a little as I think about my first few clients. "Oh man, really? I hope I don't get that Hannibal guy again. He freaked me out big time, Nat."
"Girl, I already told you I can make your head spin with the jobs I've had. I never reject any of them, though, and I'll do whatever is asked of me. The money is too hard to walk away from. It’s addicting. I've been doing this for over two years now, and I've made over a million dollars. How do I walk away from that? I swear I get high from chasing paper."
My jaw drops. I blink. I stare. I'm in utter shock. Two years and a million bucks? No way. She's lying.
"Close your mouth. You're gonna catch flies in there," she says.
Lowering my voice, I lean in and say, "A million dollars? You’ve made a million dollars? You're lying. What kind of shit are you doing, Nat?"
She shakes her head. "It's not always like that. My time is valuable. You want a weekend with me on a yacht in Jamaica, where you're entertaining potential clients so you can embezzle their money and shit? Fifty grand and I'm yours."