Page 11 of Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush 1)
We walk a couple of blocks, giggling over nothing, while trying not to trip in our heels over the uneven pavement. If we weren't as drunk as sailors it wouldn't be an issue, but right now I'm seeing triple and I wonder just how bad my best friend is.
"How many fingers," I ask as we reach the end of the sidewalk. We're waiting on the light to change so we can cross the street. As wasted as we are, we’d probably get caught and ticketed if we jaywalked, or worse, we’d get hit by a car.
Her face pinches up and she squints. "Hmmm. Both hands!" she says happily, and I bust out laughing.
I had four fingers up.
About thirty minutes later, we stop at one of the many pizzerias open all night and get slices as big as our heads. I watch the counter boy remove them from the oven like I’ve been starved for years. My mouth waters as I inhale the scent of the cheese bubbling and toasty crust baking in the brick oven New York City is known for. He plates two greasy slices and sets them in front of us.
"This is the best fucking pizza I've ever had in my life," Natalie slurs after she takes a bite. I laugh so hard at the sound of her voice my vision blurs with unshed tears.
I lift my slice to my mouth and drop it back down.
"Fuck!" That shit burned my top lip. I grab my drink and plunge my mouth into it, and blow bubbles in the cool liquid like the little shits I nanny for.
I look up in relief and Natalie points to my mouth. She tries not to laugh but
fails miserably.
"I bet I look like I have herpes now." I grimace and roll my eyes. Nat doubles over in laughter.
My lip is swollen and pulsating. I didn't take note how hot my slice was, even though it came straight from the oven.
This birthday is by far the best one I’ve ever had, pizza-herpes lip and all, and I have my bestie to thank for it.
I glance around the counter at the pizza joint we’re sitting in. Somehow, we ended up in the touristy part of the city, a place we never try to be. I guess we were too distracted and laughing to realize how far we had walked. Times Square is great for people watching, just not at three in the morning when the creatures of the night come out to play. But something is missing…
"Where's your purse?" I ask as I fish my phone out of my clutch.
Natalie looks at me, but her eyes drift over my shoulder. "What purse?"
"I fucking hate you," I say, holding the side of my head.
There's too much light in the living room and it's causing a throb in my temples. I turn over on the couch and bury my head under a pillow. We both couldn’t take a step farther to our rooms last night and had crashed here.
"Today is going to be the worst day ever." Natalie chuckles, then whimpers.
"What time is it? I feel like we've been sleeping all day."
"I don't know, I can't find my purse."
"That's because you lost it," I respond, my head still under the pillow.
"At least it wasn't my shoes this time. Give me your phone so I can cancel my cards and order a new cell."
"You're not going to even try to find it?" I ask, groaning, and move the pillow off my head to stare at her. My head is killing me, but I won't bother with an aspirin. It’s not like it will help the hangover anyway.
Nat pops up and gives me an aggravated look. "Aub, do you remember all the places we hit last night?"
I hesitate for a moment. "Nope."
"Exactly. And it's New York. I'll never get any of it back."
I get up and grab my phone off the counter. The room tilts as I return to the couch, and I lose my balance, hitting the floor with a thud.
Natalie laughs hard and the jumps up, holding her crotch.