Page 32 of Dismount (Off Balance 5)
"Have you reached out to any schools?"
"Yeah, I actually had some inquiries, but I haven't had much time to look into them with so much going on. Maybe I can next week. Unfortunately, I'll be postponing the college experience. I need to take a year off to get my health in order."
"How have you been doing?"
I beamed at her. "I have a donor."
Holly's eyes lit up and she pulled me in for a bear hug. The last time we'd spoken about my kidney issues, I hadn't found one.
"Best news ever! I've been worried sick about you and was thinking about getting tested."
My lips parted at her generosity. Tears tried to rise to the surface but I pushed them down and mouthed "thank you" to her.
"Avery is a match, actually," I said after a few seconds.
Her eyes widened. "That's kinda cool."
"Yeah, she's excited about it while I'm terrified. So much could go wrong, you know? What if my body rejects it? Then we're both out of a kidney. I'd feel bad for the rest of my life."
She grimaced. "I think that thought is normal for anyone in your position. So, you've been talking about it more, then?"
I shook my head. "No, actually, I haven't. No one here knows anything except for Kova and you."
"Speaking of…"
I averted my gaze. Like brother, like sister. "You haven't told Hayden anything, have you?"
She shook her head, her eyes large. "Not a thing. I swear."
"I didn't think so, but he asked me about Kova too. I know you're leaving soon and will have a new life, but please don't ever tell anyone, okay?"
Holly looked me directly in the eyes. Her brows furrowed in offense.
"I'd never do that. Is everything okay, though?"
I looked away again and swallowed. "Everything is fine," I lied. "Normal, nothing new." I glanced over my shoulders and around us to see if anyone was within listening distance. "It's good," I said, keeping my voice low. "We're both just focused on gymnastics and keeping our distance. It's better that way right now."
Holly was studying me closely. I made sure to wipe my face clear of any hint of emotion as I spoke. I didn't want her to put things together in her head about me and Kova and our absences.
"I'm always here if you want to talk about anything." It was all she said, and I was so thankful. "You can call me anytime. I'll always pick up your call."
I laughed. "I'm going to hold you to that. Don't forget about me when you kill it in the collegiate world."
Holly opened her mouth to respond, but Reagan spoke before her as she walked toward us.
"For someone who is hopping on a plane to head to the freaking Olympic Trials, you don't look so happy."
"Always a pleasure, Reagan," I said. "I am happy."
Her eyes glowed with sincerity and her lips twitched from the smile she was trying to fight. She was going to remain that mean girl she loved to be until the very end. I was okay with that. Reagan wasn't being callous, she was just being her snobby self.
"Hey, girls." Madeline rounded the corner. "How about one final picture of the elites before they leave us to move onto the next chapter of their lives?" Her voice cracked a little even though she was beaming from ear to ear like a proud parent.
We all turned toward her as she pulled her cell phone from her pocket. Hayden rejoined the group just in time. Standing side by side with Holly, Reagan, and Hayden, we looped our arms around each other and pulled in close like we were the best of friends. Because in a sense we were. There was this softness in my heart for them that surprised me. I joined their little family late in the ga
me, and while there were some heated arguments along the way like every family has, we'd all gotten extremely close.
Plastering on smiles, we said "cheese" and Madeline snapped a few pictures. Hayden made a joke and Holly told him to be quiet.