Page 25 of Dismount (Off Balance 5)
Pick up… Pick up… Pick up.
The first thing I did when I got into my truck was call Avery. I needed to talk to her.
He’s still in jail.
I clenched my eyes shut at the red light feeling so guilty. How was Kova still in jail? Something wasn't adding up. He should've been released by now.
Remaining indifferent while I’d been in the therapy room had been a challenge. I’d wanted to ask questions, but felt that would’ve been too suspicious in itself. So, I’d kept my mouth shut while Madeline, Danilo, and Dr. Hart had engaged in small talk.
I lifted my foot off the brake and pressed down on the gas to merge into the next lane. My arm felt a little better. I had more flexibility in my fingers, and they didn't tingle when I flexed them anymore. Ethan had finished up my session with a full-body, deep-tissue massage, and it was exactly what I didn't know I needed. My body was in worse shape than I’d realized. He’d kneaded every knot and had made sure I wasn't as tense before I left.
While I was there, my mind had run wild with thoughts of Kova and how he was doing.
"Besties ‘R’ Us," Avery answered.
"Ave." I parked the truck and sat back.
"Shit. What happened?"
I repeated what I'd heard at the gym.
"Why is Kova still in jail? Shouldn't he have been out by now?"
I feared the worst. With how distraught my dad was over the whole situation, I wouldn't put anything past him. I had a gut feeling if Dad could get away with murder, he'd attempt it.
"I don't know why he's still in when the charge was so small, honestly."
I pulled the keys from the ignition and grabbed my duffle bag.
"I wish there was a way to look this info up," I said as I climbed down from the truck.
I glanced to my left; the sun was dipping behind the rippling water. The salty sweet scent of the ocean calmed me. Memories of when Kova and I lounged on the beach watching the sunset blew into me. I wished I could go and sit there now, replay the moment when he’d said he was already missing me even though I was in his arms.
"You can," Avery said.
"You can look it up. There's a specific website you can use to see when he was charged and if he's out."
My brows shot up. "Really? How'd you know that?"
"Because I don't live under a rock, that's how."
The corners of my lips twitched. "Can you do the search for me?" I asked. "I'm just walking into my condo and I need to take my medicine."
"Already on it, powering up my laptop now. How've you been feeling? How was practice today?"
There was a brown box waiting in front of my door. I picked it up and realized it was the phone Avery had ordered. Hope bloomed inside of me. As soon as I was off the phone with her, I'd charge it and call Kova to see for myself if he was out. I stepped inside and shut the door.
"Well, I felt like my arm was hanging by a thread and going to fall off today. The period cramps suck. They're the worst ever, and I had to use tampons today when I’m not supposed to. I plan to soak in the bathtub tonight. Figured it might help. Overall, I'm just peachy."
"Try to use tampons only if you have to. You don't want to risk anything. I don't know what could actually happen, but since you have such shitty luck, I'd say proceed with caution."
I walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light. I immediately went for my medication. "You make a good point." I chuckled and uncapped a bottle
"All right…" she said, her voice trailing off. I put all my pills in a little bowl, then grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. "Oh, dayum. Fish lips gives a good mug shot."
I perked up. "I want to see."