Page 94 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
"Is there something wrong? Are you okay?"
"Everything is just fantastic, my love. I missed you."
She stood and walked around his desk to stand in front of him. I could smell the perfume I once commented on only to learn it was her body wash Kova had shipped from Russia. It really did smell incredibly alluring, and I hated that she wore it.
"Why are you here?"
"Is that any way to greet your wife?"
Her seductive tone didn't go unnoticed. Katja leaned in to kiss Kova, but he stopped her. She pulled back and gave him an icy glare. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I couldn't stop staring at the heavy mascara that made her eyelashes resemble tarantula legs.
"I am busy with work and trying to finish up. Can this wait? Go home and I will see you there," he said firmly.
"If you are only doing a blading session, then I will wait for you. It will not take long," she said, a suggestive smile reaching her eyes. "I have a surprise for you that you are going to be so happy about. We are going to be happy. I wanted to give it to you here since this place is your second love."
"I'm… I'm gonna go," I said quietly.
"No," Kova barked with his eyes still on Katja, then switched to his native tongue.
Heat flushed through me and I clenched my eyes shut trying to swallow back the knot that was stuck in my throat. This wasn't good. The back of my neck was clammy from the embarrassment I felt being in this office. The tips of my fingers tingled and my palms were damp. I hated when they switched to Russian. Not because I was nosy—I most definitely was—but because it was uncomfortable and made me feel like they were speaking about me. Their voices were growing louder. I stood there feeling like the third wheel that I was.
I stepped backwards, thinking they wouldn’t notice my departure, but I was wrong.
Kova reached behind him and latched on to me. My wide eyes dropped to his vice grip on my forearm. I held my breath and stood stone still.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
My heart was going to explode from my chest. I might as well just shoot myself to end the misery.
The intense argument reduced to an alarming silence. I looked at them. Katja scowled at Kova’s hand on my arm before moving her focus up to my face. Her beautiful, crystal blue eyes were sharper than a knife and aiming for me. I had a feeling if she could choke me out right now, she would.
But then, then she stunned me.
Katja straightened her back and inhaled, collecting herself. I frowned, watching as she tugged the hem of her shirt straight down, then brushed a few loose platinum blonde strands of hair behind her ears adorned with massive diamond studs I’m sure Kova bought her.
She reached into her purse and pulled out a white envelope. She shoved it against his chest. Kova placed his fingers over hers, his brows bunched together as he glanced down then took it from her. Katja said something in Russian, then stalked out of his office, seemingly trying to remain dignified.
Kova frowned as he unfolded the sealed envelope and looked at it. There was a printed return address at the top, but the rest was left blank. He flipped it over between his fingers, looked at the back, then threw it onto his desk without a care. He dragged both his hands down his face, and for a split second I felt bad for the exhaustion he exposed when he dropped his hands.
"I should go, Kova. We can talk tomorrow."
"No," he said, his tone defeated, "please do not go yet."
I shifted on my feet. "But do you think it's a good idea that your wife, who knows about us, left instead of me? I'm worried she may do something stupid."
He shook his head. "Trust me. There is nothing else she can do that would be any worse than what she has already done."
Dropping his hips to the edge of his desk, Kova dragged his weary eyes up and down the length of my body. A small, needy smile curved on one side of his mouth. Reaching forward, he tugged the strap of my duffle bag toward him, pulling me with it. He removed it from my shoulder so it fell to the floor, then he grabbed my hips and pulled me between his spread thighs.
Kova wrapped his arms around me like I was his lifeline, sighing like he was finally home. I leaned into his chest and allowed him to soak up whatever he needed from me. He inhaled deep and held on to me like he was afraid to let go. His fingers pressed into me and I could feel in his touch, the way he leaned harder into me, the way his heart pounded against his chest, that he was sinking into a dark hole.
This was us. Everything that was wrong and everything that was right. It was like this subliminal feeling that couldn’t be explained. When one of us needed the other, we were there. It could only be felt. We did what we had to do without question, because he loved me, and even though I never told him, I loved him too.
"I needed this," he said very quietly, breaking the silence.
"Needed what?"
"You. I just needed to hold you. I have missed you these few days. I never realized how much I do not like to go a day without seeing you."