Page 85 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
Rolling onto my back, I rubbed my forehead and a soft sigh escaped off my lips.
"I'm so lightheaded." The room spun and my head felt like an inflated balloon. "What time is it?"
Kova sat down on the edge of the mattress and looked down. It was still dark, but the light from the bathroom illuminated parts of the room.
"It is almost six in the morning. I need to get to the gym."
I frowned. "What about the hurricane?"
"It has passed us and luckily did not turn into a cat four. Your power is back on."
I nodded and tried to sit up again, but Kova didn't allow it.
"No, I have practice. I need to go. I have to be there." I struggled against him, but he was so much stronger and insisted I lay down. I wasn't sure how I'd do at practice feeling the way I did, but I needed to be there.
"Absolutely not. I want you to stay in bed. You have a fever and you look awfully pale. You need rest, Ria," he urged.
Last night I vomited, and now I felt like I had the flu. My body was completely worn down and I felt sluggish. I blinked my dry eyes rapidly. Fear consumed me.
"Kova?" My voice cracked, my throat tight and in need of water. "What's wrong with me?"
Was I having a flare up again?
He leaned down and kissed my forehead. Immediately I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him. He pulled me to sit on his lap and I burrowed my face in his neck as he comforted me. I was still naked, but it didn't bother either one of us.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Adrianna. You are just extremely exhausted and need uninterrupted, deep sleep. You have a fever and your cheeks are red."
I nodded. "But I can't miss practice and you promised not to treat me any differently."
He pulled back and gave me a warm smile. "I was selfish and had you many times last night. You barely slept." He looked so pleased. "And"—he held up a finger—"I told you I would not treat you differently so long as you were feeling okay. You cannot push your body or your body will completely shut down. Missing practice will be out of our hands. Stay here and sleep. Hopefully that rash will go away. I will see you tonight."
Hope filled my chest. "You're coming back?"
He nodded.
"Take my keys so you can let yourself back in. What about Katja?"
Kova gave me a look that said don't go there. So I didn't. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask if he could bring me my medicine bottles and a glass of water, but when he kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Ty ma-yo sak-ro-vee-sche," it wasn't long until I was drifting off to sleep, forgetting about my pills.
It was déjà vu all over again. Kova trying to rouse me. His hand on my back, his voice far away.
I sat up, swiping my hair from my face. I was certain I hadn't moved in hours.
"God… What time is it?" I asked, looking around in confusion. My eyes were swollen, my body aching even more.
Kova tilted his head, and his eyes narrowed. "Have you been sleeping all day?"
"I don't know?" I responded softly.
"It is eight o'clock…at night."
My brows shot up and my jaw dropped. "You're kidding me. I slept for fourteen hours straight?"
Kova reached out and pressed the back of his knuckles to my forehead. His palm cupped my jaw in concern. "Are you okay? You still feel warm."
"Yeah, I'm fine. At least I think I'm fine. Apparently, I was much more tired than I thought I was… Wow."
"Your body must have needed rest more than we both thought."