Page 41 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
He paused before tearing off a strip of tape with his teeth. "Anything else?" he asked, lifting his eyes to look at me. Kova was acting strange.
"N-no," I said. "This is just a big meet and I'm honestly a ball of nerves, Coach. I'm nervous."
It wasn't a far stretch from the truth. I was nervous. The medications were kicking in and making me a little jittery on top of the meet stress. Unfortunately, they weren't helping with the fatigue. I was already drained. We’d traveled across the country for this one. The National Championships was a two-day meet where the best of the best gymnasts around the world competed, not to mention the Olympic team coaches were in attendance too. Next up if I got lucky was Worlds.
Kova’s eyes softened. Maybe it was all in my head. He applied the tape then ripped off another piece. "I understand. Just remember you are here because of the work you put in. You proved that you are worth it, that you can handle the pressure. You are now considered a valuable piece to the Olympic team. You have what it takes and deserve to be here."
I gave him an appreciative smile. "You're just trying to make me feel better."
"Whatever it takes, Adrianna. But you should know by now that I do not speak bullshit."
I chuckled. "I do not speak bullshit," I said in a low faux Russian accent. The corner of his mouth curved up and a sense of ease rolled over me.
"How does that feel?" he asked.
I flexed my foot and moved it around. "Good."
"What about here?" he asked and placed a hand to my calf. "We have not done blading in some time."
"I haven't really needed it, but it feels good. Thanks."
Kova stood and held his hand out. I took it and readjusted my leotard, pulling it to cover my butt. I glanced around the stadium once more, trying to see if I could spot my dad.
"Do you want to know where he is?" Kova asked.
I glanced at him. "How did you know I was looking for him?"
"Wild guess."
I knew it was against the rules to see or talk to family before a meet, but something inside my heart was reaching for the kind of comfort only a parent could give. With everything I was going through, I’d been more emotional lately. Sometimes a girl just needed her dad.
I chewed my lip and nodded my head. Kova turned around and pointed. My eyes searched as quickly as my heart beat for the familiar face.
It didn't take long. He was already waving before my eyes landed on him. Our eyes met and happiness burst through me. I smiled from ear to ear, waving frantically. I hadn't seen my dad in months, but I felt like I'd grown closer to him despite the distance between us.
"Thank you," I said softly. "I'm surprised you let me say hi." It wasn't meant maliciously, but honestly, and he knew that.
He shrugged one shoulder. "I just want you to be mentally prepared for today and tomorrow, and if saying good day to your father is necessary for that, then sometimes rules are meant to be broken."
We broke the rules every chance we got.
"Good day?" I laughed, and smiled. "See? You need to work on your English. No one says that. You sound like you're from the Stone Age."
"I say it." He played back. "And I am not old."
I was still smiling. "You're insufferable. At thirty-three, you're kinda old."
One brow peaked. "Kind of old?"
"When you start growing grays, isn’t that when you're considered old?"
His brows shot up to his hairline. "I have grays?" He patted his head.
I stifled a chuckle and tried not to smile. "I saw one the other day."
"One?" His eyes twinkled with amusement. "How close to my head were you to see one lone hair?"
I bit down on my lip and propped my hands on my hips. "I saw it, okay?"