Page 20 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
I glanced up. "It's not. I have a lot on my mind right now and I'm just focusing on the skill at hand. I'm sorry for my attitude."
He observed me for a long moment. Probably surprised I apologized for once. "If something is wrong, you would come to me, right?"
A mixture between a laugh and a huff escaped me before I could stop it. "Yeah, I'll run right over," I said full of sarcasm.
He stepped closer to me and angled his head down. My heart beat a little harder. Lowering his voice, he said, "I am serious, Adrianna."
"So am I, Coach."
Kova exhaled through his nose like he was defeated. "Let us get started on vault. You practiced well on beam today. I am very impressed."
I was a little caught off guard by his praise. A timid smile tugged on one corner of my mouth, and he returned it.
Little actions like that, they were what pierced my heart more than words. They brightened my day.
Vault practice was different. I went light on my dismounts. Kova placed a three-inch-thick landing mat on top of the foam pit so my heels wouldn't slam into the floor each time. I had a forward flipping vault and a backward flipping vault to practice.
"Two hours. One hour for each vault."
I nodded and chalked up, rubbing the dry, white powder on the bottoms of my feet and behind my knees. Stepping behind the white tape, I visualized my skill.
Clapping his hands, Kova crouched at the knees so he was parallel to the apparatus, and yelled, "Go!"
I loved when he turned coach mode on. It helped snap me into place.
And so it began. After the first hour, I was thirsty and needed to use the bathroom. My bladder was going to explode if I didn't relieve myself soon.
"Grab a drink. Ten-minute break."
"Thanks," I said and jogged to the locker room. I took a swig of water, then checked my notecard to see which medicines and vitamins I was due for. I was so happy my dad had suggested this idea.
Glancing over my shoulder to make sure I was alone, my hands trembled as I poured out the necessary pills. Quickly, I swallowed them back, pushed the bottles deep into my bag and grabbed an all-natural protein bar. I peeled back the wrapper and took a small bite, then another, and another. I didn't have an appetite, but I forced myself to eat at least half. I didn't want to get lightheaded. Not after yesterday. I threw the rest away and brushed my hands together. It was really all I could stomach. Sticking to a low-calorie diet was easier these days when my mind was twisted with worry.
I grabbed an extra bottle of water to bring back with me into the gym. Sports drinks of any kind were not allowed inside, only water.
Right before I went back to train for the second half of the day, I stepped into the restroom. Pulling off a leotard during practice was like taking off soaked jeans. The struggle was real. I squatted to pee and hoped the burning sensation in my bladder left once I relieved myself, but the strangest thing was, while I had the urge to go, hardly anything came out. Guess I didn't have to go to the bathroom after all.
Washing my hands, I glanced at my reflection and frowned. I looked like a hot mess. There were flyaways everywhere. I tried to smooth them back with a little water and then tightened my ponytail. I had dark circles under my eyes and I was a little pale, but the good news was the rash I'd been sporting for the past two weeks had come down a lot. It was hardly noticeable now. That was a huge positive in my eyes because that meant the medications were working.
Kova eyed my water bottle when I stepped back into the gym. "That better be water." He nodded his chin toward it.
I gave him a droll stare. "No. It's vodka."
My lips twitched, so did his. "Do not start with me."
"Like I would ever do such a thing and talk back."
Kova didn't respond but I caught a shadow of humor in his eyes. A small smile tugged at my lips. I needed that.
Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I snatched my car keys from the bench and turned around to leave just as Kova stepped into the room looking as cool as a cucumber. Most everyone had left by now since it was so late in the day, so I wasn't surprised to see him in here with just me.
I drew in a breath. Our eyes locked. He had his hands in the pockets of his netted shorts as he leaned casually against the door frame. He wore a loose black sleeveless shirt and his hat faced backwards so the flat bill was in the back. He didn't have a line of worry on his face and he looked totally kissable.
Damn it. Don't go there.
My shoulders loosened. I was a little jittery inside, but his presence soothed me. I hated when he wore that hat because he looked so damn sexy in it. Black was his color.
It was also the color of his heart.