Page 133 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
I knew better than to eat airplane food. My stomach revolted just looking at it, but I’d already been feeling sick for most of the flight and figured it was due to hunger and my medications messing with my stomach.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get cleaned up because we had to rush to the next flight. But once we were on the plane, and the seat belt sign turned off, I used the god awful, putrid-smelling bathroom to brush my teeth.
The odor got to me and I ended up throwing up again. I'd never had an issue with flying before, but then I’d never traveled for so long at one time either. I'd have to pick up some medicine to deal with motion sickness before we went to Italy. No way in hell was I going to deal with this if I could avoid it.
I'd slept the rest of the way and when we landed back in Florida, I excused myself to freshen up.
"Are you okay?" Holly asked, eyeing me as she washed her hands.
I looked at her in the mirror. "I think I'm having one of those flare ups I told you about." Her face fell. "Don't give me those puppy eyes. I didn't tell you so you can pity me."
She turned off the water. "I know. But I still feel bad."
We both dried our hands and walked out to the terminal lobby. Kova's forehead creased as he observed me, his eyes taking in the length of my body. I knew Holly was watching so I tried covertly to give him the look to stop.
He didn't catch on.
So stupid sometimes.
We retrieved our bags and got in Kova’s car. I had Holly sit up front so I could sit in the back with the window rolled down, figuring it would help with the nausea. I slowly breathed in the salty air with my eyes closed. Home. I was home. Thank goodness the airport wasn't too far. Between the jet lag and the exhaustion of the meet, I wasn't feeling so hot.
"Bye, Holly," I said from the backseat.
"See you tomorrow!" she said, walking away. Kova stayed parked until she’d stepped through her front door.
"Want to jump in the front?" he asked.
I faked a groan. "I'm too tired. I'll just stay here if that's cool with you."
"It is cool with me," he said, and I chuckled. "What is so funny?"
"Sometimes you sound like a robot when you don't use contractions," I teased him.
He looked in the rearview mirror, grinning. "It's cool with me," he said again.
My stomach did a little flip and I smiled as he pulled up to a red light. Going with the urge in my heart, I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed onto the seats in front of me to lean forward. Kova's gaze was on me as I stuck my head into the front and reached around to pull his face to mine to give him a quick, little kiss. He responded immediately, his hand to the back of my head while he kissed me deeply as he held me to him. A car honked behind us and I pulled away, our lips making a popping sound.
He shot me a quick glance before he refocused on the road, grinning from ear to ear.
"Minty. I am glad you brushed your teeth," he said, and I playfully slapped him. "What was that for?"
I shrugged and leaned against the side of the passenger seat watching him. "I just felt like kissing you."
Kova laced our fingers together and placed them on the console. My cheek rested on the fabric and I glanced down at our joined hands, feeling really good about us.
I thought about what Holly told me, how generous but discreet he'd been, and it made me swoon for Kova even more. My thumb rubbed the space between his thumb and forefinger in an effort to slow down my racing heart. I thought back to when he told me of his past and how he'd had so few opportunities growing up. It hadn't changed him, only reminded him of where he'd come from and what little he had. He was humble and it said a lot about his character.
"You did amazing this weekend," he said, watching the road. "Be proud of yourself. I know I am."
"You're always proud of yourself."
He grinned and I decided I would tell him my thoughts.
"It took a lot out of me. I'm so physically worn out, it kind of worries me."
His hand tightened. "I know it did."