Page 106 of Twist (Off Balance 4)
A sad chuckle rolled from my lips. "Did you just say gnat?"
One side of her mouth pulled to the side. She shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah, I heard it in a new rap song and I loved it. So everyone I find annoying is a gnat."
"Which is everyone since you hate the world."
"Except for you." Her smiled reached her ears. "Finish up and we'll talk later. It seems we both need to have a long girl talk."
I walked back into the gym trying to forget what I saw. I wanted so bad to ask him why she was here, but I couldn’t bring myself to. He knew where I stood and how I felt. I wouldn't stoop to that level and lose respect for myself completely.
Inhale the chalk, exhale the bullshit.
For the next two hours, I pretended like I didn't have a care in the world except for gymnastics.
Kova didn't speak to me except when he was coaching, but then again, I didn't expect anything else since his scheming wife was here to watch her husband.
"Adrianna?" Kova said low, and only for me.
I pulled back the Velcro from my grips to loosen the straps. "Yes?" I said without looking up. Taking off my grips felt as good as taking off my sports bra at the end of the day.
"Look at me."
Hesitant, I raised my eyes. Kova rubbed the back of his neck, his face twisting in distress.
"Do not go there. I know what you think you heard, but it is not true."
I swallowed hard, praying what he said was the truth.
"I told you she wants one, not that she has one."
My stomach tightened, stunned that he was risking such a conversation in public.
Kova muttered under his breath in Russian. "I am asking you to please believe me. Please."
"He wants you to believe him?" she retorted, her voice surprised. "Did you tell him to go fucking kick rocks?"
I gave Avery a knowing look. "You know I didn't."
She sighed. "Sometimes I wish you would grow a spine and tell him to eat shit, then walk away." Avery's eyes widened and she looked a little worried and tried to retract her words. "Not to say that you don't have a spine, ah, I just that I wish you wouldn’t let him walk all over you."
We were sitting on my bed having a powwow while we drank freshly squeezed lemonade Avery had made. We'd been talking for hours and it felt so good. It was the long-awaited girl talk we should've had a long time ago.
I left no stone unturned. I told her every single thing that had happened with Kova, leaving nothing out. I opened up about Joy, and Avery cursed her to seven different hells. She'd never liked Joy. I told her about my real mom and how I met her, the illness in her family and how it was genetic. Avery encouraged me to meet with her again one day when I was ready. I was honest and told her I was afraid of dying young.
She listened to me. She cried with me. She didn't judge, didn't criticize my choices. She was the ideal best friend who just sat and heard me. Sometimes just listening can be more powerful than anything.
I sighed in understanding. "I know what you mean, it's just hard. I guess I want to give him the benefit of the doubt since we don’t have a normal relationship."
"But is it that? A relationship?" She posed her question carefully.
I picked at the imaginary lint on my comforter. "I honestly don't know what to call it." And I didn't.
"Maybe it doesn't need a label. Sometimes that can ruin a good thing," she offered.
I smiled at her, appreciating her effort. "Yeah, I guess so." I paused. "Does it make me stupid? Be honest."
"It doesn't make you stupid. Love makes people do things they wouldn't typically do, but it doesn't make you, or anyone, stupid. Maybe in that moment it was right and that's really all that matters." She eyed me with a challenge. "And don't even deny you love him. It's obvious you do."