Page 102 of Release (Off Balance 3)
"I have listened to your stomach growl nonstop since you got into my car."
I frowned and rubbed my belly. I'd gotten so used to disregarding my gnawing hunger that I hadn't noticed until he said something.
"Fine. I'm hungry, I just can't eat yet. My stomach is too upset. When I feel like this after a hard practice I drink bone broth."
His face screwed up. "Bone broth," he repeated. "You are kidding me."
I chuckled. "No. It really helps settle my stomach, and it's actually good for you."
Turning around, I walked into my kitchen and bent down to open one of the cabinets. I had twelve cartons of organic chicken bone broth. I looked at Kova.
"There is something wrong with you," he said, but in a way that made me bust out laughing.
"I can drink a whole carton."
Kova's mouth was lost somewhere between a frown and disgust, and I giggled.
"Please tell me you at least drink it hot."
I nodded, still smiling like a fool for some reason. "I heat it on the stove then sip it." I reached down and grabbed a box. "Would you like some?" He didn't answer, his face was still scrunched up. "Oh my God. You're a thirty-two-year-old man acting like a child. I didn't offer you frog legs and turtle soup. Just try it for me, please. If you eat mine, I'll eat yours. Whatever you want."
"Deal," he quickly responded.
Oh my God! Eyes wide, I slapped a hand over my mouth, realizing what I’d said and laughing in shocked surprise.
"That's not what I meant!" I yelled playfully. I really needed to think before I spoke.
He held up one finger, his eyes filling with vigor and life. It made me smile to see him like this. "Ah. And correction. I am thirty-three."
I pulled back. "Wait. Thirty-three? When was your birthday?"
He hesitated for a moment. "It is actually today."
"Today?" I responded, my voice a little high-pitched.
He nodded, his newly energetic eyes still focused on me as he shrugged like he couldn't care less that he was turning another year older. I should've known, but more importantly, Katja shouldn’t have been away on vacation on her husband's birthday.
"I didn't know it was your birthday. I'm sorry. Happy Birthday, Kova."
He brushed it off. "Are you going to tell me what is wrong now since you know it is my birthday?" he pushed again, a brow raised in what I knew was hopefulness.
I pulled a pot out from underneath the counter and turned on the stove. "Honestly, there's nothing wrong with me other than the fact I'm grossly exhausted. I could probably sleep for the next two days."
He angled his head to the side, his eyes teasing and not malicious in the least. "Lies. I can always tell when you are lying."
I looked at him after I emptied the liquid into the pot, hoping my blush had disappeared. "Are you just going to repeatedly ask the same question until you get what you want?"
"Adrianna, I always get what I want."
A nervous chuckle rolled off my lips. The way he said my name, the roll of the R sent a shiver down my spine.
"Spoken like a true child. All you need is a foot stomp now to complete it."
He barked out a laugh, and I found myself smiling along with him. Kova didn't laugh very often, but when he did, I loved the sound and how it made my stomach flutter and tighten.
"I got my way. You washed that shit off your face, did you not?"
I looked over my shoulder as I stirred the pot. "I don't really like makeup, to be honest. I'm in the gym all day, every day sweating. It makes no sense to wear it."