Page 95 of Execution (Off Balance 2)
"Wh-what are you doing?" I reached for my phone. He stepped back when I stepped forward.
"What?" I snapped.
"Put your towel back on," he said in a guttural voice. A crease formed between my brows and I glanced down.
Shit. I hadn't even noticed.
If being naked in front of Kova bothered him so much, then this would help get him out of my house faster. Placing my hands on my hips, I pulled my shoulders back and stood bare as the day I was born…and shook. I was frozen to the core.
"If it bothers you s-s-so much, then get out. Because what I need, you ca-can’t give me."
Kova's nostrils flared, his eyes burned bright green. "And Hayden can," he stated.
I lifted one shoulder and gave him a blasé expression. "None of your business."
He stepped closer to me, then squatted down slowly and grabbed the towel in his hands without taking his eyes off mine. He raised it along the back of my thighs, my ass, my back. All the while I felt his heated breath dance across my skin. I almost sighed.
"Why must you make this so complicated?" he questioned with a shake of his head and wrapped the towel around my shoulders.
"Everyone knows th-th-the one way to get warm is through b-b-body heat." I shuddered. "Common sense, Kova. Hay-Hayden did it the first time and it helped."
"And that is what you want. My body with yours."
"I don't w-want it," I said, dragging my teeth along my bottom lip. "I need it. There's a d-d-difference. Right now, I don't f-f-feel right. This is a million times worse than before."
Kova rubbed the ebony stubble on his jaw and glanced away. "What you make me do…" he said hoarsely, then reached behind his head and pulled his shirt off. He dropped it in a soft heap to the floor. My eyes immediately found the Olympic rings tattoo on his ribs I loved so much. His body flexed and contracted, sizzling with energy. I swallowed hard. I didn't think he had the balls—
Never mind. This was Kova I was talking about. Of course he did. He had balls of steel that hung from a body made of stone. A delectable body that had to be derived from cocaine because all it took was one hit and I was addicted.
Kova snatched me up in one swift scoop and carried me back to my room, huffing under his breath in Russian. That's how I knew when he was truly mad—he spoke in his natural tongue. Anger in his steps, he marched as he bound me close to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and sank into his heat, sighing. His body was as warm as an inferno and I loved it.
Once in my room, he stopped in front of my dresser and pulled open drawers until he found an oversized T-shirt and sleep pants.
He took two long strides and stood in front of my bed. Carefully releasing my legs down his body, I stood less than an arm length away. I peered up at Kova, breath tight in my throat as my eyes took in his muscular chest.
I loved this man's brutal strength.
With his eyes locked on mine, he reached out and loosened my towel, gently tugging it off. The cloth slid down my breasts and fell to the floor, his darkened gaze following. I stood naked before him without a worry in the world, innocent and young doe eyes looking up at him. His nostrils flared, his blazing eyes sashayed across my nude body. Tentatively, he reached out and glided the back of his fingers over the side of my plump breast. His thumb ran over my hard nipple, and then down the soft curve of my waist. I swallowed hard, trying with effort not to shiver.
"So beautiful it hurts," he whispered. I raised my arms for him to dress me. He put the shirt over my head then slowly pulled it down, the back of his knuckles purposely grazed my raised breasts and pointed nipples. I leaned into his touch and drew in a silent breath.
Dropping to his knees, he nodded to my foot and ordered me to lift. Both feet in, he pulled the elastic waistband up my slender legs. As he slid the material higher up my thighs, his fingers lingered to a standstill when he reached the center of my body. I held my breath as the sinewy muscle coiled around his shoulders flexed. He was a heartbeat away. The beautiful golden honey color of his skin blushed with raw, unabated emotion. My hands formed into fists. I dug my nails into my palms so I wouldn't reach out and touch him.
Carefully, and ever so slowly, I steadied my breathing as his palms slid around the thickest parts of my thighs. Kova grasped my small waist once the pants were securely in place. His head hung sluggishly bowed between us. It tugged at my heart. Yet, I remained still and didn't touch him, even though my fingers itched to.
Kova struggled to stay in control. He trembled, his fingers dug into me. Not hurtful, but more like a man who was on the brink of losing it. I felt his veiled emotion, his vulnerability through his touch. It was how I knew what he was feeling without speaking a word. It was why I hadn’t wanted him here, why I had wanted him to leave. Why I knew this was a terrible idea from the beginning, because I knew without a shadow of a doubt what it would lead to. Us being alone had always been a bad idea because no matter what, we always, always, surrendered to our darkest, most forbidden desires.
I relaxed my fist and reached for him with timid fingers.
"Please," he whispered in a strangled voice. "Do not touch me. I am trying to give you what you need and nothing else."
My icy heart splintered. Placing my hand on the nape of his neck, I caressed him. My fingers threaded in his inky black hair in a passionate swoop. Kova trembled below me, his head falling against
my hand.
"Ria, please, take your hands off me." His jaw rubbed into my palm.