Page 4 of Execution (Off Balance 2)
"People would assume it is for her, not you."
I tried to wrench away, but Kova tightened his grip and ran his thumb in soft circles under my wrist. I lowered my gaze in shock, hating that my stomach fluttered in response.
"Say please."
My eyes shot up, and I saw red. "Fuck you."
I yanked my arm out of his grasp, box in hand, and stared at him, trying to fathom how he could be so harsh and callous yet blessed with the face of a god.
He'd fed me lie after lie until I pushed him hard enough to finally confess the truth—he had pulled me from my first gymnastics meet of the season for selfish reasons. He wanted me to hate him enough so I would refuse his sexual advances because he couldn't control himself around me.
What a dirt bag. A deceitfully charming dirt bag who lied through his teeth because it was easier for him to deal with his urges. Asshole.
A low chuckle dripped from Kova's lips. I took a tentative step back, then another, and another. He was heartless. Cruel. My stomach fluttered again but for a different reason. The hair on my arms lifted as he peered up through thick, inky black lashes. The remnants of his anger gone, replaced by eager desire.
Tears stung the back of my eyes at the realization of how truly sick the situation was. My emotions were rising, my heart pounded viciously against my ribs. I wouldn't cry in front of him. I had to leave before I broke down.
Turning on the balls of my feet, I slammed out of his office, uncertain what would come of this heartbreaking, disastrous situation we'd both caused. The echo of his malicious laughter chasing me as I fled.
Chapter Two
Releasing a loud sigh, I threw my cell on the passenger seat and turned up the music loud enough to block out the thoughts in my head. My hands trembled and my palms burned as I gripped the steering wheel hard.
I picked up my cell and tried calling Avery numerous times, but once again, she had disappeared. Her absence was starting to bother me. I had fire flowing through my veins and my emotions were on a rampage over what had happened with Kova. I needed my best friend. I needed her guidance. And she wasn’t answering her calls.
I could lean on Hayden, but I wanted Avery.
I turned into the parking lot and pulled into my designated space a little too fast. I hit the curb with a jolt, propelling forward until my chest hit the steering wheel. I blew out a gasp and quickly shifted into park. Looking down, I realized I'd forgotten to wear my seat belt. Nerves and Tonka trucks didn’t mesh well together. Climbing out, I walked around to the other side and opened the door. I slung my gym bag over my shoulder, then grabbed my cell phone from the cup holder. Glancing at the screen, I noticed a text from Avery.
BFF: Sorry! I promise to call you soon. I have a lot going on right now and can't talk. <3
I clenched my jaw. She had a lot going on? I just got caught fucking my coach and was about to take the morning after pill, again, and she had a lot going on. I slammed the door shut in disbelief with as much force as I could muster and made my way through the lot to the lobby of my condo. Guilt filled me and I immediately regretted the hostility I felt toward her. This was Avery. She would never blow me off if it wasn't a serious matter. I just wish I knew what it was.
Ocean air blew against my heated cheeks as I headed toward the entrance. Being this far south, Florida didn't really go through all four seasons. December brought a nice shift in the weather, but it was rare we had a cold front. And considering how worked up I was, the cool breeze felt incredible against my skin.
I spotted Hayden as soon as the doors slid open. He sat bent over in a black leather chair with his hands twisted together. Head angled down, he appeared deep in thought as he cracked his knuckles. I fisted my duffle bag and took a deep breath. This was going to be interesting.
"I'm sorry it took more than twenty minutes," I said, striding up to him. Hayden stood, alarm crossing his face. "Dealing with Kova took a little longer than I anticipated."
Hayden shook it off and grasped my arms in his hands. He gave me a tender squeeze.
"It's fine, I would've waited until you got here, I was just worried about you. Are you okay?"
My brows shot up. "Okay? No, Hayden, I'm far from being okay right now."
Hayden let out a sympathetic sigh. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and drew me in. His worry for my well-being was as strong as the hug he gave me. I laid my head on his firm chest and took a deep breath, surrendering to his warm embrace. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed him in. Hayden was my solace, my comfort zone.
"Yeah, that probably wasn't the best question to ask you. Sorry about that, I'm just worried."
My face softened. I appreciated his compassion more than he knew.
"Thanks," I said, pulling back. I laced my arm through his and placed my hand on his bicep, loving the arc of curvature in his muscle. "Come on." I nodded toward the elevator.
A roar of thunder cracked behind us as we walked side by side. I stopped to glance over my shoulder through the tall, tinted, glass windows and listened as another round of thunder boomed outside. Lightning lit up the darkening sky and rain began to fall fast and hard. Hayden withdrew from me and draped his arm across my shoulders.
It was about to pour, and not only outside.
* * *