Page 16 of Execution (Off Balance 2)
"I hate you and want you at the same time." The confession rolled off my tongue before I could stop it.
"I know you do," he breathed into me. "Listen, I cannot make you any promises, but I will try to be better. I am only human, and I wrongfully acted out. But when you claimed rape"—he shook his head—"it killed me. There is nothing worse you could have said. Rape is not my style, Ria. And contrary to what it may seem, I never want to see you hurting like today. Your first meet to test elite is a big one and I want you prepared."
I stole a quick glance at his lips, a fraction away now, and mine trembled with the urge to close the distance. Heart racing, blood on fire, I was desperate for the next move. His hands found my waist and settled there, giving me a squeeze. A spark of energy passed through us and zipped up my spine. He exhaled as I inhaled, and I drew in a lungful of his breath. Kova ran his tongue along his bottom lip and a smile curved at the corner. I melted into him. Goose bumps peppered my arms as he angled his mouth toward mine.
He was going to kiss me. And damn it all to hell, I wanted him to.
But I wouldn't let him.
Just as he was about to press his lips to mine, I moved my hand over his heart and stopped him. He looked at me. In another place, in another time, things would be different. I'd let him kiss me, let him have me however he wanted. But right now, I couldn't, and I wasn't sure when I'd let him ever again.
"Your heart is beating so fast," I whispered.
His pulse thumped beneath my fingertips. His eyes were the darkest green color I'd ever seen. They captivated me, hypnotized me. He leaned in closer.
"No," I begged, my voice ragged and tortured as I pressed on his chest to push him back. "Please don't kiss me."
Kova cupped the side of my neck, pressing his thumb under the edge of my jaw, and with a gentle ease, he tilted my head back to grant him control. He dominated the air between us…and me.
"Do not deny me."
"You told me to deny you."
"I lied," he growled.
His thumb stroked my throat while I swallowed. There was something intimate about it and I found myself arching into him. I couldn't tear my eyes from his hooded ones.
"Give me what I want." His lips brushed against mine.
"No." My voice cracked.
"Yes," he demanded against my mouth. Kova's warm tongue slipped ever so slowly along the seam of my lips, coaxing me. He held the back of my neck firmly until I surrendered to him, allowing him access. He licked the roof of my mouth, dragging his tongue seductively along the top, then pulled my lip between his teeth. A throbbing in my sex shot through me and I gasped.
"This is what you do to me." He licked me again. I had no control over my body when he was like this. "Every time I am near you, every time I think about you, I feel this way, malysh. You have awakened a beast inside me."
I returned his kiss, plunging my tongue into his mouth, and hating myself for caving in. He sucked it, stroked it. I wrapped both my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer. I whimpered, craving more. My inner thighs squeezed around his hips as I surged up, angling myself right where I needed him. My clit throbbed as I rubbed against his erection. Kova placed a hand on my knee, and then dragged it up the side of my thigh and clutched me at my hip.
He broke our kiss. The dark of his pupils overshadowed the green of his eyes. "Every fucking time. Never in my life has this happened to me. It drives me crazy that I cannot get enough of you." He kissed me again, his lips hard and demanding. Kova devoured me with a ferocity unlike ever before.
I pulled back and attempted to regain some semblance of control. "Kova?"
"Hmm?" He nuzzled my neck, his facial hair scraping my tender flesh.
"Do you think you could refrain from calling Katja malysh? At least in front of me?"
His head popped up and he looked me square in the eyes. For a moment, I thought he was going to lash out and reject my request.
"Only if you promise to never bring her up again when we're alone."
I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes. The situation was a disaster—depraved and immoral and everything right at the wrong time.
"How will I know if you keep your promise?"
He looked at me. "You just have to trust me." Kova swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing slowly. "Adrianna?"
My head tilted to the side. "Yes?
Kova's nostrils flared and his chest rose faster and higher. Just as he opened his mouth, he was cut off.