Page 71 of Balance (Off Balance 1)
ront door, saying she fell madly in love with Bradley Cooper because he gave her a ride like no other. Her mom was a riot.
“And you know how she named her Kindle?”
“I do. Isn’t it like Mikko or something?”
“Mikko? What the fuck kind of name is that? Not even close. His name is Cole, and Cole brings her more pleasure than any other man ever could. He’s up all night with her and never talks back. She can cry ugly tears and he never makes fun of her.”
I groaned. “Avery, your mom is crazy. I can’t believe she tells you those things. Mine would never say something like that to me.”
She laughed.
“So, I’m thinking we should name your beam, so every time you fall we can say...” she trailed off. “Johnny! Johnny Depp! We can say Johnny Depp fucked you again today.”
I knew Avery was happy with herself from the other end by the high pitch of her voice. Her and her wicked sense of humor. “Because every time you fall it’s like you’re getting fucked.”
This time we were both in full on belly laughs. She had a point.
“No way! You’re insane!”
“Oh, come on,” Avery said. “If you don’t like the name Johnny, we can pick another. What are the names of the other guys on the team?”
“Well, Johnny’s pretty hot, but there’s a Hayden on the men’s team I’ve become friends with. But Ave, I just can’t call the beam, Johnny. I would die if anyone heard me say, Johnny fucked me good again today. No, just no,” I snickered.
“Let’s use Hayden. It would be more fun that way!”
“You’re sick, you know that? You have an evil sense of humor.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you very much.”
I paused, thinking about what she suggested. “The girls on my team would think I was talking about Hayden. I can’t do it. They hate me as it is.”
“Oh, my God. We have to use Hayden! Because fuck them.”
I shook my head from the other side of the phone. Avery. She was my polar opposite, yet I loved her so much. She knew how to make me laugh when I needed it the most.
“Say it.”
“Ave...I feel weird saying it.”
“Don’t be a little bitch.”
I laughed again, shaking my head. “Fine! Johnny fucked me pretty hard today...I’m all red and sore. It even hurts to walk.” I bit my lip, waiting for her response.
“OH MY GOD!” Avery shouted, laughing again. “Look at you! I wasn’t thinking of adding to it!”
“Well, it’s what happens when you straddle it.” Looking between my thighs, I thought about the day I straddled the beam and what transpired after. I told Avery everything, minus the Kova touching me part.
“My thighs were all roughed up, too. God, Avery. I even bled from it.”
“That bad?”
“Yeah. And it looked like a contusion was forming. I had to ice myself three times a day.”
“A contusion? You mean a black and blue? Can’t you just say bruise?”
I laughed and she heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Just think, by the time you’re actually ready to have sex, the impact won’t be as bad.”
I paused. “Where do you come up with this stuff?” Shaking my head, I stifled another laugh. “There’s no filter with you.”