Page 23 of Balance (Off Balance 1)
Lugging my duffle bag over my shoulder, I walked into the gym, feeling slightly more comfortable than yesterday. Even though I’d been on time the day before, I was much earlier this morning and had time to put my belongings away, therefore preventing any awkward stares from my teammates...or reprimands from Coach Kova. After last night, I planned to prove I was worthy of being here. I’d shut up and do everything he said I needed to. I wanted this, and I refused to let a few unconstructive comments bring me down.
I undressed down to my leo and was in the middle of sipping water when Kova emerged at my side, scaring the shit out of me. He was like a fucking ninja, always appearing out of thin air without a sound.
I sputtered and water dripped down my chin. I wiped it away with the back of my hand and looked at him, capping the container.
Kova eyed me with anything but concern. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” I coughed.
“Good. Let us go into my office.”
I threw my hair into a messy bun, worried about what he wanted to talk about. He shut the door behind me and I took a seat, waiting for him to kill my hopes and dreams once again. It seemed to be his main goal every time I stepped foot into his office. My stomach twisted as our eyes locked, nervousness rippled through my veins as he stared at me for a long, hard moment. This couldn’t be good.
“I spoke with Madeline and we devised a new schedule for you. Until you can reach the level where we need you to
be, you will be here six days a week with lunch and tutoring in between. Of those six days, two of the days will be dedicated to your favorite ballet class in the morning.” A sardonic half-grin tipped his lips. My belly fluttered at the way his eyes flickered when he said that. “Since you do not do tutoring every day, you will be here. Those will be about ten-hour days, coming in at just under fifty hours a week. You will get only one day to yourself for now to do whatever you need.”
He had to have been out of his ever loving mind. But knowing better than to argue, I curtly responded. “Okay.”
Looking down at his notes, his eyes scanned a few sentences before looking back at me. “You are going to also take some strengthening classes. We need you to improve your flexibility, and I think a couple of private sessions with me before practice will do it. So long as you continue with the drills.”
My last coach used to say my hips were tight, but I didn’t have a good understanding of what that meant. I guess I’d find out when the private session begun.
“There will be lots of conditioning in between, and every day before you start and when you finish, you will run two miles on the track outside.”
“There’s a track outside?” I hadn’t seen one.
“Yes, just a couple of blocks over there is a high school. You will use their track. Four laps equals one mile, so you will run eight in the morning and eight in the evening.”
I fucking hated running. “Whatever you say.”
“This schedule is extreme and not something we do for everyone. If you cannot handle it, or even think for a minute you are not capable of it, you should tell us. My time, as well as all the coaches in this gym, is precious. I do not want you wasting it.”
That pissed me off. Since I had no one to speak for me, I had to stand up for myself. “You haven’t even given me a chance. Not even twenty-four hours have passed. What makes you think I can’t do it? Yesterday I made mistakes, I know I did and I’ll own up to it, but I was nervous. Give me another chance.”
“There are no second chances in gymnastics. You should know this.”
“I’m well aware.”
“So no excuses.”
“I won’t make any.” He remained silent, so I continued. “World Cup produces champions, I came here to be coached by the best so I can be the best. I’m not leaving.”
“It is not about being the best, it is about how hard you work and how much you give without expecting anything in return. How much you train, how much you push when no one is looking. It is about how deep you dig within, knowing you did all you could possibly do and have no regrets at all. Even then, there is a chance it is still not enough.” Kova exhaled a heavy breath. “I cannot make you the best, only you can do that. Your body can endure just about anything—it is your mind you have to convince.”
Determined, I looked directly in his eyes. “I’ll prove I can handle it.”
Kova nodded slowly, a devious smile gracing his handsome face. I swallowed hard.
“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Right, Coach?”
“In your case, only time will tell.”
“Let us get started.”
Following behind Kova, he led the way down the hall to one of the rooms in the back. He walked like he was on a mission. His shoulders were rigid and I found the way he marched when he walked intimidating. It was like he had a one track mind—an assignment needed to be tackled and dealt with. I guess I shouldn’t complain since he’d taken time out to help me personally, but he reminded me of a drill sergeant. He was all listen, look, and don’t talk.
The don’t talk part was my biggest weakness.