Page 155 of Balance (Off Balance 1)
A stout doctor waltzed in wearing bold, black-rimmed glasses pushed up high, resting on the bridge of his nose. He had a warm smile, something I desperately needed after Ms. Attitude in the waiting room and the way I was feeling.
No introduction, the doctor obtained some basic medical information and got down to business.
“All right Adrianna…Lie back on the table please. Let’s get a feel for what’s going on. It says here you’re a gymnast,” he looked down, then back up at me, squinting his eyes. “And training around fifty hours a week?” He paused, a crease formed between his eyes. “Is that right?”
“Yes, sir.” The doctor looked at Hayden like he was looking for confirmation.
He dropped the file onto the gray countertop, slapped on a pair of gloves and turned toward me. Instinctively, I moved my hands higher up on my stomach and the doctor pressed his fingers to my lower belly. I flinched when he gave a solid push, causing him to pause and look at me. I thought he was going to push through my stomach.
“That hurts?”
“A little bit.”
“When was your last menstrual cycle?”
Pursing my lips together, I tilted my head to the side and looked at the corner of the ceiling. I had to think about that for a moment. “About three weeks ago? My cycle is usually off, so I don’t keep track of it.?
“Are you sexually active?”
“No!” I shouted it like a fool. Clearing my throat, I answered again. “No, I’m not.”
Hayden threw his hands up. “And that’s my cue to step out.”
“And who are you, young man?”
“Her brother,” he lied smoothly, walking toward the door. “I’ll be right outside, Aid.”
“Thanks, Hayden.”
Once Hayden left, the doctor eyed me suspiciously.
His chin dipped to his chest and looked over his specs. “I’ll ask again since your brother isn’t here. Are you sexually active?”
“Are you on birth control?”
“Is there any chance you are pregnant?”
“No. I recently took the morning after pill so I’m good.”
“The morning after pill is not always effective. Have you considered going on birth control?”
My heart dropped into my gut at the mention of the pill not being effective. I stared, stone-faced at the doctor as a million thoughts ran through my head. This could not be happening.
“I…I only just became active,” I stammered. My jaw quivered and I fought to regain control of my emotions.
His eyes narrowed. “It only takes one time to become pregnant. Unless you intend to become a mother, we have a female doctor you can follow up with once you are feeling better who can perform a Pap smear if you’d like and go from there.”
“Thanks, I’ll think about it.”
The doctor applied more pressure this time, pressing down with both sets of fingers around my abdomen. My body tensed, my stomach flexing under his touch.
“That hurts really bad,” I gritted out, crossing my legs as if that would help.