Page 101 of Balance (Off Balance 1)
“In about thirty minutes, you can take a warm shower. Until then, let’s get you some of that coffee.”
“Thirty minutes! I have to stay like this for thirty minutes?”
He was rubbing my back in circles when he said, “You can change clothes, but that’s it.”
Nodding, I ran into my room and pulled out the warmest clothes I could find–a fluffy pair of velour sweat pants and an oversized hoodie. I peeled off my shorts and sports bra and dropped them on t
he carpet. I didn’t care they were soaking wet, I’d pick them up later. It was too cold to bother with panties and a bra, so I quickly slipped on the hoodie, fluffy socks, pants, and grabbed an extra blanket I had folded at the end of my bed and wrapped it around myself. Taking a deep breath, I was feeling a little warmer on the outside, but I was cold to the bone on the inside.
I was so thankful for the plush carpet as I made my way to the kitchen. Hayden’s back was to me, and without thinking, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my head between his shoulder blades. He chuckled, turning around. His calming arms and charismatic laugh were honest and real.
There was a certain kind of comfort I found in Hayden I hadn’t expected. I wanted to close my eyes and sigh. He made me feel protected and wanted, and I liked that. I wasn’t just a concern. Hayden made me his priority. Our schedules were jam-packed and he had just as much going on as I did, but he went out of his way to make an effort to help me. There were no pretenses with him, at least I didn’t think there were from what I’d seen so far.
He shook his head and gave me a genuine smile. “Do you want something warm to drink yet?”
“I do, but not yet. Can you just hold me for a bit first?” All I wanted to do was curl up to his side and feed off his warmth.
Without answering, Hayden bent down and scooped me up under my legs, cradling me to his chest. He walked over and sat us down at the end of the couch where I burrowed into his side. I needed this. Hayden tucked the blanket all around and under my feet and held me in his strong arms.
“Thanks, Hayden, for everything,” I murmured.
“Anytime, baby,” he said, slouching into the couch cushions.
I froze and his hands stopped moving. I had a feeling he slipped and hadn’t meant to say what he did. Biting my bottom lip, I took a chance and looked up, propping my chin on his chest. Hayden’s jaw flexed as he stared at me. Steel blue eyes were fanned between golden brown lashes. High cheek bones and honey skin. My heart sped up. Hayden dipped his chin down, his lips coming just centimeters away. His breath mingled with mine, hitting my parted lips as I waited to see what would happen.
“I want to kiss you, but I won’t,” he confessed. Instead, he just held me closer and continued to warm me up.
It wasn’t until the morning sunrise peeked through the sliding glass door that I realized I’d fallen asleep in Hayden’s arms.
“Hayden? Where are you?”
My eyes flitted open at the frantic voice in the distance.
“Oh, shit. I must’ve fallen asleep at Adrianna’s.” Hayden spoke into his cell phone groggily.
He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. “Of course I am. What did you think happened?”
“My phone’s been on vibrate.” Hayden looked at me. “Nothing happened, Holls. Don’t worry.”
He yawned. “The beach? I thought that was a girls’ thing.”
I tried not to listen to his conversation but failed miserably.
“Yeah, I’ll go. See you then,” Hayden said, and hung up.
“You know your volume is turned up so high I heard every word, right?”
He shrugged, his eyes half closed. “I didn’t feel like lowering the volume, it’s too much work right now.”
I laughed and eyed him wearily. “To push a button?”
Hayden snuggled down into the couch and pulled me to him. Resting my head on his chest, he pulled the blanket over us and said, “Yes, it is. I’m beat and I need a little more sleep.” He stroked my hair. “Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s okay.” I curled into his side and said, “I can get used to this.”
I felt him smile against me. “So could I,” he whispered.
We fell asleep for another hour and then begrudgingly decided he needed to head out if he didn’t want to receive another testy phone call from his twin. Avery would be here soon and I wanted to be ready. I quickly gathered my things, slipping on a bathing suit, putting on a little bit of lip gloss and throwing my hair in a messy bun.