Page 24 of Love the Way You Kiss Me (Love The Way Duet 1)
And Ella responds to Maggie’s touch. Little shivers. Little glances. And those raised eyebrows at someone else behind the camera. The dancing continues and eventually it’s the two women again, partying and laughing. For a moment it seems like it was all in good fun and there wasn’t a damn thing sordid between any of them. Until they’re at the bar and a conversation takes place.
I’m desperate to know what they’re saying. A little more volume, and—
“—all play,” Ella’s saying, to whoever is holding the camera—a phone, I’m assuming. Judging by how the video is in short snippets, and even then, the camera pans and shakes as one would if it were a phone.
I back it up a few seconds.
“We could all play.” Ella’s grin is a sultry, sparkling thing. “You know I don’t mind playing.”
A male voice answers her from behind the camera. “Be careful now, kitten.” My blood heats at the nickname. Kitten.
Maggie’s squeal of delight comes with her toppling forward into the frame, a coiled muscular arm wrapping around her waist to keep her steady. “Noah!”
“You better get your girl,” jokes a male voice I haven’t heard yet. A deep one. If I had to guess, it would be the man from earlier. Answering my guess, he comes into the screen. Noah, Maggie and Ella … but who’s the fourth? I pause, rubbing my eyes and then flicking back through the security cameras.
Is he her fiancé? There’s no ring on her finger. My mind races with dates and information I gathered from comments. This must be a video from before. I wonder if Ella isn’t the one who uploaded these. I wonder if she doesn’t want them available any longer. I wonder, for a moment and then another, if she thinks it was a mistake. But there’s no doubt in my mind that if a woman with her wealth didn’t want these available, they’d vanish. Just like all media of Ella from the last two years seems to have vanished.
At this point, lines haven’t been crossed. I could stop while I’m ahead and read the damn file.
My better judgment tells me not to continue. For my own damn good. With the click of my thumb, I refuse the warning, and watch the scene continue.
Ella pouts subtly, the expression so cute on her lips that it crushes some hidden part of my chest. She shrugs and says, “I’m just having fun.”
Maggie’s thick curls falling down her front, she rests her head on Ella’s shoulder to whisper, “I’m into your kind of fun,” and this time, it’s Maggie’s eyes that find the camera. Biting down on her lower lip, she angles away from the camera, burying her head into Ella’s neck.
The scene at the bar continues in short clips. More drinks, more dancing and accidental bumps into one another. The alcohol flows heavily. That’s one thing I note the most. They’re all drinking, laughing, having a good time.
It’s only when the women glance at the camera that anything at all seems provocative.
This video is made up of multiple segments, most of them of Maggie and Ella. Whoever is holding the camera wants their faces and nothing else.
My body temperature rises, and I strip off the long-sleeved shirt I wore tonight. I’d take off the T-shirt underneath if it wouldn’t be so obviously unprofessional.
Glancing down at the time, it’s only two minutes in when the camera moves to an elevator. Swallowing thickly, I brace myself for what’s coming next.
It’s inevitable. The four of them together, the girls laughing and teasing the camera. Swingers, maybe? Fuck buddies? I anticipate them kissing in the closed space.
That’s what’s logically next and surprisingly, I don’t want to stop it.
She wants this.
At least in the moment she did. Her dark chestnut gaze is filled with lust as the man behind the camera steps in beside her and the sound of the doors closing accompanies giddy, feminine laughter from Maggie.
It’s undeniable that I’m just as worked up in this moment as each of them.
Damn, I want her. I want to reach through the screen and put my hands on her hips. I want to run my thumbs over her jaw and feel that flirtatious smirk. I want to corner her in, a hand on each side of the steel wall behind her and feel the vibrations of her voice when she laughs, which she does often. Again and again in these videos. It’s sexy as hell, and taunting—a subtle game they’re playing.
It’s sexy as fuck. Portraying the act of seduction. If I were there, confined in that space, I’d punish her for it, for allowing everyone to see. I want it all for me.
She’d have to beg me for even considering letting anyone else see that look in her eye, if she were my submissive. I’m rock hard imagining it and contemplating if I would allow it.