Page 17 of Bred by the Bully (Breeding Season 8)
“Women did fall in love with you then?” Was she going to have competition for his affection?
Why the hell do I care if there’s competition?
He’s not mine.
He will never truly be mine. Get your head in the game. You’re a breeding machine. Nothing more. Kids. That’s all he wants from you.
It still stung, though. She didn’t want to be just another woman in a long line.
“No. They didn’t.”
“How can you know for sure?” she asked.
“I know when a woman is in love with me and when they aren’t. The only thing they wanted from me was the income I could provide. That’s all they cared about. Yes, they’d spread their legs and would even try to negotiate to get their way.”
This made her frown. “What?”
“I really don’t want to talk about this,” he said.
“Try me.”
“Fine. You want to keep me as the asshole in your mind. How about this? One of the women tried to get me to pay her a hundred thousand dollars every time I stuck my dick in her. That’s right, she said I could pay for a cunt as good as hers. Another woman said if I wanted anal, it was going to cost me. Every single woman has a price.”
She didn’t know why, but it didn’t make her hate him. Drake had just shown that no woman had ever wanted him.
You’re only with him for your brother.
Guilt flooded her.
“You know I’ve got clothes back at my place,” she said. “We don’t need to go shopping.”
“I had one of my men gather your things. Most of them have stains or holes in them. I want you to have the very best, Mira. The fact your brother was too busy running up debts rather than taking care of you pisses me off.”
She watched him as they pulled into the parking lot of a really classy, expensive Italian restaurant. She loved Italian food. Pasta was one of the best pleasures in life.
“What happened to those women?” she asked.
“I ended whatever relationship we had. When something doesn’t work, I terminate it. Same in business and pleasure.” Drake climbed out of the car, and she noticed the restaurant had a valet waiting to take it.
She was about to open her door when Drake got there first, holding out his hand for her to take.
For some reason, she felt sorry for him. The women had only used him. She felt sick in the pit of her stomach. Was she using him? She hadn’t asked for this, but in a way, she was using him as well.
Be nice to him.
Don’t fight him.
Show him what a real relationship could be.
It was completely laughable that she could give him anything, especially as she’d never been in a real relationship herself.
Their lunch date was more than pleasant. He’d expected Mira to order a salad and do what other women on dates had always done. Not his woman, she’d gone straight for a pesto pasta, with plenty of dressing on her salad, while he’d gone for the steak.
Throughout their meal, Mira kept up conversation, talking about his work, some parts of her life. He was pissed when she revealed what happened at her first job in a bank and made a note to check out said bank so he could make the people pay.
There was always a benefit to having money and power. It opened doors and ways into people’s lives where nothing else could. Mira didn’t have anyone looking out for her, and he intended to change that.
He could offer her a life not many could dream about.
They arrived at the boutique. As per his request, there were already items of clothing ready for Mira to try on.
One look at the sales assistant, and they were taken to the dressing rooms with the promise of being close by if needed.
Drake took a seat as Mira, with her hand on her hip, glanced around.
“Wow,” she said.
“I’m used to toilet-sized stalls for changing clothes in. This is like a bedroom.”
He chuckled. “There are a lot of … enjoyments to be had when you have money. It can’t buy happiness, but there are certainly benefits.”
“I can see that. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what they are.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “You want me to try those on?”
“No one will disturb us.”
“Drake, we’re in a changing room.”
“I know, and I want to see what you’re going to pick.”
She opened her mouth and closed it before making her way to the rack of items. She picked up a black dress that still had the price tag on. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Don’t think of the price.”
“Drake, look, I know you’re used to women getting what they can from you, but this is just … it’s a little too much.”
“Really? Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s not enough.” He leaned back, watching her. “Appease me, Mira. Strip off your clothes and let me see.”