Page 8 of Bred by the Mafia Monster (Breeding Season 7)
She gasped.
Klaus didn’t move, he only looked down at the man’s hand on his shirt as if the simple touch insulted him. His jaw twitched.
“Let’s go, Bella.” He took her hand and led her away.
“Hey! I said stop right there.” The man grabbed her free arm.
Within seconds, Klaus turned, reaching into the front of his suit jacket to brandish the butt end of his gun. “Stay the fuck away my fiancée.”
Some other men in suits approached from the other end of the lot. Accardi men.
Her heart began to race. The entire reason this unorthodox wedding was taking place was to create peace and end the constant bloodshed between the two biggest crime families in the state.
When the Accardi men were a car length away, Klaus winked at her father’s men and continued on his way. He didn’t look back. His men would likely die for him, the son of their kingpin.
Once inside the church, she pointed out her grandmother’s priest in the near distance. The foyer was crowded, multiple conversations taking place, echoing in the elaborate cathedral.
“Father Basil,” she said. “Can we speak to you for a few moments, please?”
“Isabella. A pleasure to see you.” He gave a sideways glance to Klaus. “What do you need from me, child?”
“Your blessing.”
If he refused to bless their upcoming marriage, it would break her grandmother’s heart. But she had her doubts. If Father Basil knew Klaus’s reputation as she did, he’d banish him from the church forever. Maybe condemn him to hell.
“My blessing?”
“We’re due to be married by week’s end,” she said. “This is my fiancé.”
“I have no record of an upcoming wedding for you this week, Isabella.”
She wet her lips. “The final arrangements are still being made. I understand you’re booked up for the year, but I’d still love your blessing. It means a lot to our family.”
“Where will you say your vows?” he asked.
“Right here,” said Klaus, garnering both their attention. His voice was deep and gruff, confident and authoritative.
“Excuse me?” asked Father Basil.
“My father will be in contact with the exact day and time. I’m sure it will be a memorable ceremony.”
What was Klaus doing? There was no way they could get into this church in less than a week. It was unheard of, even for most elite members of society.
“I hope marriage will be your turning point, Klaus Giovanni Accardi.”
Her priest knew Klaus?
“You have my blessing, Isabella. I look forward to marrying you both.” He glared at Klaus, somewhat discreetly, then turned to the next couple beckoning for his attention.
“You know Father Basil?” she whispered.
“He baptized me.”
Her mouth parted. “Then why does he hate you?”
“I’ve been a bad boy.”
Chapter Three
After dropping Bella off at home, Klaus didn’t see her for the remainder of the week. Instead, he’d gotten immersed in his work. If he even allowed himself the pleasure of going to see his woman, he wouldn’t be able to leave her with her father. Lastra had been waiting for her. Bella had shaken in his arms, but one glance at his own father, and he knew he had to bide his time.
If he did something to mess up this union, there would be more bloodshed, and he wouldn’t get Bella all to himself. In the last few days, she was all he could think about, and now as he stood inside the church with Father Basil a few feet away, he was more than ready to get this show over with.
The Lastra family took up one side of the church, while his own family took up the other. There was no mingling, no pleasantries being given. Two divided families who were still separated by their mutual hatred of one another.
Running his fingers through his hair, he caught sight of a couple of women his father had introduced him to earlier.
“A virgin on the wedding night is necessary, but don’t worry, my son, I have required entertainment for you.”
The women weren’t necessary. There was only one woman he wanted to be with tonight, his wife. She had arrived an hour ago, but for some reason, was being held up. She was close, in the church.
Staring out across the ground floor, he wanted to kill every single last one of the Lastras. To have their blood flowing on the ground.
Without them, there would be no Bella.
He didn’t know Isabella. Had only spoken to her that evening at the restaurant, but this intense feeling toward her wouldn’t fade. Women were nothing more than a passing fancy to him. They amused him, and at the end of the day, he loved to fuck. Even when he lost his virginity, one of his favorite hobbies was to bring a woman to orgasm and have her begging for more before he was done. He loved to push them to the limit, to see how much their bodies could take.