Page 38 of Bred by the MC VP (Breeding Season 6)
“Are you sure it’s okay with the boss?”
He took a couple of steps into the room. “You think I can’t take care of you?”
Sable bit her lip and shook her head. Those big, dark, innocent eyes always melted him from the inside out.
“Meet me by my bike in five minutes.”
He’d claimed his woman and sometime this week, he’d make their relationship official in the club. She’d move up the rank and get the respect she deserved. Right now, he wanted to spend time alone with Sable with no drama, no sneaking around. She was so much more to him than sex. He wanted to get deep into her head, to get to know the girl he fell in love with.
Once he was back in the yard, Sweetheart raced up to him. “You’re choosing the wrong daughter, Dog. Even I could show you a better time than Sable ever could.”
He glared at her. “Watch your mouth when you speak about Sable. It could cost you your place in the club.”
He was losing his patience fast.
Dog went over to see Redneck. He was barbequing some burgers with a few of the brothers. “A word,” he said.
Redneck left the group, carrying a bottle of beer. “Honey and Sweetheart are grating on my fucking nerves. Keep those bitches in check, remind them of their place in the club, or make them disappear.”
The young enforcer nodded, no sense of conflict in his eyes.
Dog clapped him on the back and headed to his bike.
He made sure he was gassed and ready for a long ride. He rolled a towel into his saddlebag. Everything was prepared and ready to go when Sable appeared wearing the old leather jacket he always associated with her. She’d had it forever.
As she approached, he reached and grabbed her by both sides of the collar, kissing her hard on the mouth. “I’m going to give you everything, baby.”
Once things calmed down, he’d take her into town and buy her the best of everything, including new leathers. He wanted the world to know she was his old lady to keep her safe and make sure other men stayed away. In the Hell’s Slaves MC, anyone who toyed with another man’s old lady was served a death sentence. Word spread fast, and the old ladies at the club were rarely messed with.
She climbed on the bike behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He loved the feel of her. She molded perfectly to his body.
“Where we going?” she whispered in his ear.
Their destination was a secret.
He revved the engine, turning just enough to smirk, then they were off.
The wind at his face, the power under his seat, the beauty at his back … it couldn’t get better than his. Forge worried about Hank Little or Luther Grass trying to get their revenge on Sable or the club, but he wasn’t going to obsess about what might happen. He’d keep Sable close, and the gates at the club were being kept closed and watched for now. It was standard procedure when there was the potential for trouble. Safety of their members was always key.
Dusk would be upon them soon, so he needed to get to where he was going. He increased his speed, racing through the streets and finally down the rougher dirt roads. He slowed to a crawl, then finally put his foot down.
The ocean seemed to go on forever, spilling over the edge of the world. He cut the engine and helped Sable off the bike.
“Where is this place, Dog?”
There were no people or homes in sight. This was how he liked it. Being a biker meant nobody wanted him around. This was one of his secret places. He’d come here when he needed to clear his head or remember he was a human being and didn’t live to kill.
He held out his arms to each side. “It’s paradise, no?”
She smiled, looking around with a childlike wonder. After kicking off her flats, she walked barefoot toward the water. “It’s so beautiful. I’ve seen places like this on TV, but never with my own eyes.”
“What do you mean?” he asked. “You’ve never been to a beach?”
She shook her head. “Is that weird?”
He knew life at the club could be stifling, but it pissed him off when parents chose to disregard their kids. Sable deserved to have happy memories, rich experiences, and know true love. He’d give it all to her.
She bent down and grabbed a handful of wet sand, squeezing it in a fist and watching it fall to the ground. He pointed at a seashell and the joy on her face melted his heart. Dog stood there, watching her explore, falling more in love by the second.