Page 10 of Bred by the MC VP (Breeding Season 6)
He kept envisioning her in the rented house, that fucking prick drooling all over her. Without the protection of the club, Hank had no reason to hold back, no reason to keep his filthy hands to himself.
Dog slammed his fist down on his dresser.
Once they had information on Luther Grass, Sable would be free to come home. He had to do something to get the ball rolling. They’d talked about getting a club whore to fuck around with Grass so they could blackmail the perfect family man into leaving the club alone. Now Forge had changed all their plans, and Sable was in the middle of it.
Dog thought of Honey. That bitch was always begging to be fucked. She wouldn’t think twice about seducing and entrapping Grass. As club VP, she’d never question him if he asked her to seduce him.
He stared down into the yard. Forge and the boys were having a good time—laughing, drinking. The bass from the music rattled the loose bullets on his nightstand. All he could think about was Sable. Even if he got Honey to play along, Forge would still be pissed off that he went over his head. He was in a fucked-up situation.
Dog took a shower to calm himself down. The cold water helped stave off the war waging inside of him. When had he grown a damn conscience? He should be sitting in the yard with his brothers, enjoying the good life.
One thing for certain, he wouldn’t sleep tonight, and he didn’t want to spend another night worrying about her. He went straight to the prez. Dog was too loyal to the club to have a secret agenda, so he’d put it out there in the light.
“I’m heading to town to check on Sable,” he said.
Forge looked him dead in the eyes. “Keep your distance.” Then he added, “Take Redneck with you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
“You said yourself, he’s still green. Maybe you can teach him a thing or two.” Forge smirked then returned to his conversation. Dog ground his teeth. Fucking Redneck was already standing up.
He jerked his head to signal the young enforcer to follow him. They prepared their bikes for a night drive, making sure they were gassed up and packing heat in case there was trouble.
“Why we checking on Sable? It was her choice to leave, so fuck her.”
“I don’t need to explain anything to you. Remember that and we’ll get along just fine.” He revved his bike and took off out the open gates into the darkness. This far out in the country, there were no streetlights or points of civilization for miles.
As they entered the town, the businesses were closed and there were few cars on the roads. His eyes were focused on the third row-house with the green shutters just ahead. The lights were on inside. Dog slowed his bike to a crawl, finally dropping a foot once directly in front of the house. Redneck stopped behind him.
“What are we going to do?”
“Nothing,” said Dog.
“Really? I thought you were testing me. I was ready to smoke the girl.”
Dog bristled. “You aren’t going to do anything,” he said. “One piece of advice, never act unless you have the all-clear from a higher up. The consequences could be ugly.”
“Forge made it clear.”
“Good. Now wait here.” Then he added, “Keep a lookout.”
That would keep him busy. It wasn’t that Dog hated Redneck. He’d proved himself time and time again as valuable to the club. He’d been there when they killed Peterson. He was a ruthless and loyal motherfucker. But Dog still equated trust with weakness. They’d all trusted Hound, Forge’s last enforcer, but he’d turned on the club.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
Dog got off his bike, scanning the area before crossing the lawns. He peered in the side windows, heading to the back of the house. There was no sign of her.
He climbed up on a garbage can out back, braced his foot on the downspout, then used the strength in his arms to pull himself up on the second-story windowsill.
There she was. Sable was sitting cross-legged on the big bed, a pile of photos scattered in front of her. He couldn’t get a good look at what she was doing, but at least she was alone. But for how long?
A car door slammed shut. “Fuck!” He dropped down to the ground, landing in a crouch. Forge had told him to keep his distance and he’d parked in front of the house. Even if Redneck rode off, Dog’s bike would still be left behind. Hank Little would become suspicious and the entire plan would be fucked.
He walked along the shadows on the side of the house, hoping Hank wouldn’t notice him. Hoping he’d be able to keep control and not slit the cop’s throat.
That was when he noticed the full uniform coming toward the door. She’d order a pizza. He exhaled, bracing a hand on the side of the house. He approached the kid in the red and yellow stripes, taking the pizza from his hands. Dog reached into his pocket and gave him forty bucks before telling him to fuck off.
He rang the doorbell.