Page 8 of Bred by the King (Breeding Season 4)
This caught her interest. “Everyone has to die.”
“The way the world is now, the next day is never a guarantee. I’ve seen so much death, even before the virus. I want no part of it.”
“So you’ll stay alive forever?”
He chuckled. “Maybe I will. What about you? Care to join me?”
She shrugged, playing along. This fairy tale was better than her reality for now.
“We can forget the rest of the world, stay here, and live forever. Just you and me.” Something changed in his demeanor, a darkness passing over his features. Hunger. She wasn’t afraid. If anything, she didn’t trust her own instincts when it came to Draven.
Instead of giving in, of embracing his clear seduction, she forced herself to smarten up. He only wanted what her body could give him. If she didn’t have the fertile band, she wouldn’t be sitting in front of him right now. “But then the story ends, and we wake up. There’s no hiding from the truth.”
He stood up, and part of her was disappointed he didn’t try harder.
She watched as he walked over to his dresser, a finely crafted wooden piece of furniture with intricate carvings. Something that belonged to royalty. He picked up a book, and her heart leapt.
Draven walked around the massive room, occasionally peering out a window, holding the book to his chest. What was he thinking? Planning? A man like him was intelligent, carefully crafting every word before he spoke it.
When he finally returned to her, she held her breath in anticipation.
He sat beside her on the small loveseat this time, the cushions sinking slightly from his weight. His presence was pure masculinity. Draven held the book out to her, but when she attempted to take it, he pulled it away. She looked at him, confused, but saw the teasing quality in his eyes.
“Would you like to have a look at this book?”
She nodded, not sure what game he was playing.
“Okay, I’ll trade you. One kiss
and I’ll let you read some of it.”
It was a tempting offer, one she couldn’t refuse on either count. But he should know what he was dealing with. Despite the state of the world, Ashley was a virgin. Inexperienced and terrified of losing her innocence to any man. She’d witnessed women being raped, and had to listen to Luanna’s horrific recounts during their travels together.
“Just a kiss. I have nothing more to offer.”
This appeared to pique his curiosity. “You have so much to give. We both do.”
She shook her head. “If you’re looking for someone to breed, you should keep looking. I didn’t break free from the government’s program just to be an experiment for you.”
He leaned back slightly. “You’ve insulted me,” he said.
Her heart raced, this time with a hint of fear. Had she crossed a line? Was he going to force her out of his protected little world?
“I didn’t mean to.”
“I’ve only taken care of you since you arrived, have I not? Have I hurt you? Threatened you in any way?”
“No,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
He paused. “Apology accepted. But I’m wondering. Are you not attracted to me?”
Her stupid body heated again, because he was so close and smelled so damn good. “Probably every woman is.”
“I didn’t ask you that, Ashley. I don’t care about other women or their opinions. You’re the one in my room. You’re the one I’ve chosen for myself.”
Did he really just say that?
Should she feel flattered or threatened? Being chosen made her feel wanted in a world out to destroy itself. Even before the virus, men often looked the other way because of her constant weight issues and often awkward shyness. It felt empowering for such a desirable man, a king no less, to choose her out of so many women.