Page 15 of Bred by the King (Breeding Season 4)
“Not you, though.” She reached up and fiddled with the button at his collar. “You just like to have me around like some kind of collectible toy. I think you like having something that everyone else wants.”
He smirked, unfastening a few buttons on his shirt. “You’re intuitive.”
Ashley shrugged.
“But don’t mistake my obsession. I do want something more from you.”
She dragged one finger along the bare skin where his shirt had parted. A crackle of thunder echoed in the distance. “Tell me what you want from me.”
Draven groaned. “I want the legacy. You can give me that.”
“So, you want my body.”
“Yes, I fucking want your body, but unlike other men, I want the woman, too.”
“Really?” She narrowed her eyes in disbelief. “There’s nothing special about me beyond this band. I’m not unlike other women.” She held up her wrist. He leaned over and kissed it, making her breath catch in her throat.
“You’re wrong, little Ashley. You’re very unlike other women. And I’ve been using more self-control the past many weeks than you can imagine.”
“Why not just take what you want? You’re the king of this castle, after all.”
“You’re right. I could have already filled you with my seed. My progeny would be growing inside your womb.”
“You’ve barely touched me.”
“I told you I can be a patient man. The world may be a cold place now, but I still hold out hope that one day you can love me.”
She didn’t expect a man like Draven to consider anything beyond power and desire. And she never expected to experience what she read about in the romance novels. It seemed the notion of love disappeared once survival took over people’s basic values
. It was a black and white world, void of color. There was no room for love and devotion when thoughts were focused on meeting their basic needs. The world was a scary place, and now Draven had changed everything with those few words.
Ashley realized she hadn’t said a thing. Her thoughts were scattered, so many possibilities filling her head. Could she love Draven? Could she not?
For all her complaining, she savored being sheltered and coddled. It felt like a weight off her shoulders to be able to forget about foraging and safety, and enjoy the simple things. Draven made all that possible.
He’d made her fertility band a blessing rather than a curse.
And she was tired of him holding back. How could a grown man sleep with her every night and keep so much self-control? She was starting to get a complex. Ashley had convinced herself he was using her for her womb, and one day he’d force himself on her. To hear talk of love and commitment tossed her expectations out the window.
Was he attracted to her? Or did her extra pounds turn him off?
Draven was hard and chiseled. She’d seen him working his body, the sweat glistening on his back as he did pull-ups in the archway every morning before he showered. Every day she spent with him made her more desperate for his attention. Yes, he talked to her, fed her, and spent time with her around the property, but she needed more.
She wanted him to look at her like a man full of hunger.
She wanted him to take without asking.
To claim her.
To fuck her.
You’re such a freak, Ashley. You’ve been alone too long.