Page 37 of Bred by the Billionaire (Breeding Season 1)
He kissed her on the mouth, his tongue demanding entrance. She forgot all her resolve, falling victim to him all over again. She needed him like she needed air to breathe. They kissed like lovers being reunited, hungry and desperate for each other. “I want to see you after classes in my office,” he said.
“Your office?” She held him around the neck, wanting more of his kisses.
“I’ll send a car for you. I have a heavy workload today, but I have to see you. We have a lot of unfinished business to deal with.” His voice was hoarse and breathing labored.
“Have you thought about this, Tobias?”
She wanted to tell him that he’d stolen her heart. She wanted to be sure that his family wouldn’t be a problem, even though she couldn’t see a way around it.
“Nothing’s changed. We made a deal in the coffee shop, remember? One night in my bed isn’t enough reassurance that you’re carrying my baby.”
“Is that all this really is, Tobias? You want to breed with me?”
His growled, his hand cupping her ass as he thrust against her, making her gasp. Tobias combed his free hand in her hair, securing her head. “There’s no other woman I want,” he said. He nipped along her jawline, before shelling her ear with his tongue. “I’m going to fuck you until I’m certain you’re pregnant with my child. I don’t care how long it takes.”
She liked the sound of that, her overheated body craving his hard body all over hers. Her body had fully healed the past few days, and all she craved was more of what Tobias could give her.
The chimes for opening classes sounded in the hallway. “I have to go,” she said.
He lowered her to her feet, and her entire body ached for him when he pulled away. Tobias glanced at his watch. “Three-thirty, Adora. Be ready for my driver at the front of the school.”
“Okay,” she said. She couldn’t refuse him, didn’t want to refuse him. After the nightmare on Saturday morning with his parents, she’d convinced herself a relationship could never survive. But every time she was in Tobias’s presence, his confidence and commanding presence made all her worries slip away.
He adjusted his collar, then opened the door. Tobias turned to her, his dark eyes focused on her alone. “Never run from me again.”
Chapter Ten
“Is this all the information you’ve got?” Tobias asked, looking up at the private investigator. After Maximus killed himself with an overdose, something in his gut told him he’d need some insurance in time to come. In his safe, he had every piece of dirty evidence that linked his parents to a great deal of shame and scandal.
Call girls, underhand dealings, paying off people. Even the cover up of Maximus’s spiral. He was also able to obtain footage of his parents paying a man to beat an employee who wanted to expose them. The woman had left, but with a permanent limp that made employment difficult. For a long time, he’d been following their dealings, cleaning up their messes, and making sure that if there was ever a time to turn their threats against them, he’d have ammunition.
Running a hand down his face in an attempt to clear the fogginess from his mind, he knew he had to step in. For Adora’s sake, he needed to put an end to it. Keep them silent.
“That’s not all, sir. We’ve been made aware that they’re speaking to Hamilton.”
“You called me on the weekend. Wanted me to include tabs on Hamilton.”
“I remember.” The weekend hadn’t gone the way he’d hoped it would, and it pissed him off that he was searching for a way to be with Adora. Being without her wasn’t an option. He nearly lost his fucking mind not having her with him. The only reason he’d stayed away was to give her a chance to deal with her insecurities, but that was all.
Seeing her today at college, feeling her body against him, everything became clear. He started to understand what his brother meant. He’d never understood what Maximus was searching for—why would he? Love wasn’t part of his life, never had been. Did he love Adora? He knew he couldn’t be without her, and even though it had only been about a week, it didn’t matter to him.
He’d experienced how good her pussy felt wrapped around his cock, and he wasn’t going to live without that. The way his parents had looked at her, as if she was nothing but dirt, had sickened him. He’d seen the contempt they had for her mother, and he hated exposing Adora to that kind of shit.
“What would happen if half this shit was exposed?” Tobias asked.
“There would be an investigation to some business dealings of your father. Bennett stock could plummet, but it would depend on what aspect they control. There’s nothing attached to you.”
“There’s enough here to keep them out of my business?” Tobias asked.
He knew his private investigator wasn’t a fan of his parents, or their dealings.
“Excellent. Until I say otherwise, this stays between us.”
Tobias watched the man leave, and sat back staring at the file. It was collateral that he would need. His parents thought they could pay off the college, get Adora kicked out of the programs. They were already pinning cheating claims on his woman, and it had been only a couple of days since they’d met her.