Page 83 of Blame It on the Tequila
“What. Do you want. Parker?” she gritted out through clenched teeth.
For as tightly coiled as she was, I stood relaxed, my hands loose by my side, a smile at the ready. “You.”
“Congratulations, but I’m not into open relationships.” She barked a humorless laugh and threw her arms up. “Not that we’re even in a relationship. I don’t even know what the hell we’re doing. In fact, I never knew what we were doing, so what’s new?”
“If it makes you feel better, I never knew what we were doing either. I just knew how you made me feel and how much I wanted that—how much I still want that.”
She licked her lips, swallowing, indecision marring her beautiful features. It was like watching a silent movie, a plethora of emotions displayed until finally settling back on irritated stubbornness. Back up went her chin.
“How was your date?” One brow rose like she had me cornered.
She had no idea.
I allowed my mouth to tip the slightest bit and dodged the question. We had maybe five more minutes before a knock came. “The event was great. The art was really good, and we raised a lot of money. You would have totally been in your element with all those artsy people. You know, you should have your art in a museum somewhere.”
She blinked, struggling to follow my quick transitions. “Well, I’m not really into the red carpet,” she sneered.
“You got to get past them quick—it’s the worst part—well, that and the food. Not that the food was bad, just minimal. I had to swing my McD’s on the way here, so I didn’t wither away to nothing.” Her brow furrowed, and her eyes widened when I shrugged my jacket off my shoulders. “But other than that, it was great. Other musicians of all kinds. Some fabulous art. Also, some weird art.”
“What the hell are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.
I kept my face casual and rested my jacket on the back of the chair. “Getting comfortable.”
“I-I don’t want you here. Get comfortable in your own room.”
“Liar,” I whispered.
“No,” she snapped. “No. You don’t get to sleep in my bed every night and then ditch me to go on a date with some model.”
“I didn’t ditch you as I recall.”
“No, you just asked me to lay myself on a platter for public consumption.”
“No, I asked you to accompany me to an event.”
“It’s the same thing,” she shouted.
“It’s not. We could have come up with a solution, but you shut down; you didn’t even give us a chance. But you know what, Nova,” I closed the distance between us, bending my knees to meet her eyes. “I want you enough to push through the hard stuff.”
“That’s not fair,” she whispered, her eyes glossing over. “You know there’s more behind me not wanting to throw myself to the public. You know I want you.”
I did know, and it was the first mention of her avoiding the spotlight because of the past. She hid behind so much frustration that I think she forgot it was there fueling her decisions. But, like I said, I would push through it all.
Standing tall, I took a step back and undid the top button of my shirt. “Then show me.”
“That’s not fair, Parker. Besides, even if I did try—what if I can’t? Would you just leave me again and go see Sonia?” She sneered Sonia’s name like it left an acidic taste on her tongue.
“I choose you,” I answered simply, continuing to undo the buttons.
She watched me, her chest rising and falling, her eyes flashing between anger to push me away and needy desire. I got through three buttons when she managed to shove her anger to the forefront.
“No.” She shook her head, tendrils of hair falling from the messy mass of hair piled on her head. “I can’t do this. You need to leave.” Another button undone, and she stomped her foot. “Get out.”
With the most perfect timing, because I couldn’t ignore her demands much longer, a knock rapped on the door.
“I’ll get that.”
I took the sheet from the concierge and gave him a hefty tip before turning back to find Nova still standing in the same spot. Stretching the paper out to her, I waited for her to stop staring at me and take it.
“I knew you’d be stubborn, but I hadn’t expected this. But if showing you is what it takes to make you believe me, then I’ll happily show you.”
I shook the paper, pushing it closer for her to take. She finally grabbed it, and I waited.
For the first time, I questioned myself.
What if this wasn’t enough?
What if I showed her, and she still made me leave?
I guess I was about to find out.
Parker and Sonia no more?
* * *
Parker Callahan from The Haunted Obsession and Sonia Caravin from the upcoming movie, The Harlots, looked anything but together tonight. Check out these exclusive pictures from the Music Programs Rock charity event tonight in Cincinnati. The couple has been on-again and off-again for almost two years, but tonight, Sonia’s scowl looks anything but together again. When asked, Parker announced that he hadn’t been with Sonia for a while but appreciated her friendship. Ouch! Talk about friend-zoned. When questioned about if he was already with another special someone, he clammed up tight. Me thinks drama lurks in the shadows with this juicy story. But don’t worry, Caravin fans, our beloved didn’t seem too torn up when she was spotted with male model, Aaron Jones, canoodling (quite heavily, I might add) in the corner by the end of the night.