Page 11 of Bigger (Bad Boys of Texas 2)
“You don’t want to know the whole story, Ma. It’ll make your stomach churn.” I think back on what Dove told me, hating like hell she didn’t have a friend group in high school or the fact that her health was so bad she decided to homeschool instead of finishing her final classes in our local school.
“I’m sure I don’t. It seems our Dove was in the stationery store. I’m guessing that might have something to do with her new thing she’s trying out.” I nod, thinking the same thing.
“Yeah, I’d suspect the same thing. You going to tell me what those assholes said about my woman?” I try to get her to finish the story.
“It seems Dove let those two girls, you know, ‘Karen’s’ who always have something to say about someone, well, anyways, they talked trash about her and how there’s no way she could land a guy like you. She just went about her business. Kept looking, got what she needed, paid for her purchases, and only then did they make the connection of who she was. Dove held her head high and walked out the store. Of course, that didn’t mean the town’s busybody wasn’t listening and then called me as soon as the dust settled.” Mom picks up her shot glass. I do the same, and we both toss it back.
“Well, hell, I’m glad as fuck Dove stood her ground. Hate like hell she had to and that there’s nothing I can do, except maybe sic you and my favorite sister-in-law on them idiots.” The bite of whiskey down the back of my throat doesn’t burn near as much as my gut.
“You might have a plan there, and as much as I say ‘Let’s do it,’ I think you should talk to Dove first. Since she’s home, maybe she’ll want a say in how things go from here on out.” Mom makes more sense than I care for, but she’s not wrong.
“Fine, but I’m not happy. Not one damn bit,” I grouse.
“You don’t have to be, but if you don’t stop that nasty habit of cussing in front of me, I’ll be chasing your tail around with the spoon I used on you when you were knee-high to a grasshopper,” she admonishes.
“I hear you.” I’m trying to contain my laughter, but with the way her body is shaking, we both know she’s full of shit. I’m just smart enough not to call her on it.
“Now, what did you come over here for in the middle of the day? Not that I mind it, but it’s not like you to be over at this hour.” My mom sure does have the men in her life figured out.
“Can’t a son come over and visit with his mom?” I shake my head because you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. “Okay, fine. I know you’ll be going into town, and I didn’t know if you’d do your favorite youngest son a favor and grab some drinks and snacks for my place. Dove will be over tomorrow to work on her secret project, and I don’t want her to have to stop what she’s doing to leave for food.” I tack on my best smile to soften her up.
“I suppose that can happen. Do you have a list, or is this a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants and I get to spend your money?” Momma knows exactly how her boys are when it comes to them finally meeting the one. We’ll do whatever we have to.
“You get to spend my money.” I wink and pull out my wallet, placing several bills on the counter between us.
“Oh goodie, this is going to be so much fun.” She rubs her hands together before taking the money. I get out of my seat, kiss her cheek, and say, “Thanks, Momma. Holler when you’re back, and I’ll help bring in all the groceries.”
“Love you, Trace. I’m proud of you.” She kisses my cheek back.
“Love you, Momma,” I respond, and then head out to finish my work for the day.
“Dove?” I hear my name being called. I’m sitting outside on Trace’s front porch, laptop out and my fingers flying over the keys. There are so many things I’m going to have to tell Trace and my own parents. For now, though, I’m keeping everything under wraps.
“Oh, hi, Mrs. McCray.” I hurriedly close my computer, stand up, and put it down on the side table he has set up. It’s been a dream working out at the farm the past few days, not to mention when Trace gets off work, we ride around, ending with the two of us in the kitchen cooking dinner. At the end of the day, though, we’re on the couch watching a movie, where things really get hot and heavy. I won’t lie and say I haven’t wanted things to get even hotter, especially when Trace finally let me have my wicked way with him.