Page 7 of Mistaken For An Escort (Forbidden Fantasies 24)
“Mr. Wilshire, if you’ll just wait here, we’ll bring the product to you as soon as she’s ready.”
I step inside. In contrast to the corporate environment we were just walking through, this room is luxuriously appointed with a huge king-sized bed pushed against one wall, draped in heavy brocade. The carpet is made of Persian wool, and a chandelier casts a low light on the sumptuous space.
“Thank you,” I say inclining my head. “I’ll wait here until she’s ready.”
Margaux flashes me a polite smile. “We’ll bring the girl in momentarily, Mr. Wilshire.”
I pin the handler with an icy stare. “I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“I understand completely, sir. It’ll be no time at all.”
I nod and the middle-aged woman exits the room silently, shutting the massive wooden door behind her. Thinking back to the buxom brunette’s outburst makes me laugh. I wonder if they’ll have to hog-tie her to get her here? That would be absolutely delicious.
Meanwhile, I dim the lights and make myself comfortable in a chair in the far corner of the room. Then, it’s time to wait. I don’t know the wildcat’s name yet, but she’s just met her match in the form of billionaire Peter Wilshire.
“Let go of me! You can have your five hundred dollars back,” I spit. “Goddamn it! Do not touch me! I just want out.”
I try to struggle, but my kidnapper has me slung over his shoulder, and the man’s built like a tank. I don’t know where he’s taking me, but it’s definitely not the exit. This I know for sure because we’ve now been walking for what feels like ten or twenty minutes. It only took five minutes to get to the viewing room, so where are we going in this maze?
Nonetheless, my kidnapper doesn’t react no matter how many times I try to hit him or beat him with my fists. He’s about seven feet tall, burly, and really ugly, with a face like a mutated gremlin. Suddenly, a crackle sounds and he cocks his head, listening to his ear bud.
“Got it, boss. I’ll bring her over.”
I scream and continue to beat at his back as he resumes walking once more.
“Let me go!” I shriek. “I’m calling the police! As soon as I get my hands on my cell phone, you guys are going to be toast!”
But the man continues to ignore me, and after walking for another ten minutes, we stop in front of a door. I pray it’s some back exit out of this nightmare, but he merely knocks quickly, opens the door and then shoves me through before slamming the door in my face. Immediately, I try to open the entryway, but it’s hopeless. The massive piece of wood is locked tight, and I’m stuck in this godawful prison.
“You let me out of here!” I scream, banging my fists uselessly against the solid slab. “This is kidnap, pure and simple! You can’t keep me here!”
My body is trembling as a new wave of rage takes over. Who do these people think they are? Balling my hands into fists, I slam them into the door. “Open up!” Nobody responds and I slam my fist against the door one last time. “Dammit!”
Turning, I take in the room, huffing and puffing with agitation. The lights are dim, but I can still make out a massive king-sized mattress in the center of the room. It’s a four poster bed, with ornate carvings in the wooden headboard and looks to weigh a ton. The bed is made up in satin red and black sheets, like a bordello. I roll my eyes. They definitely weren’t trying to hide their real business when they furnished this place.
Walking towards the end of the bed I see another door, but even in the dim light I can tell it’s just an en suite bathroom, and not a way out of here. Dang. Maybe I should splash my face with some cold water, seeing that I’m sweaty and pissed off still. But then, a movement in the corner catches my eye, and I jerk around. What the hell? There’s a man sitting in a chair on the far side of the room watching me, and thanks to the dim lighting, his face is hidden in the shadows, but I can tell he’s a big guy. His shoulders are broad and wide, and he has long legs crossed at the knee. He was obviously here in this room before I got shoved inside, waiting for me, I suppose. Oh God, what does he want? Is he my captor? How can this be happening?
My hands start to shake for an entirely different reason and I take a few steps backwards until I crash into the wall. The man just continues to sit, watching me from the shadows, and my heart pumps.